America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

U.S. Navy Department (August 10, 1943)

Press Release

For Immediate Release
August 10, 1943

Japanese submarine, scanning U.S. convoy, sunk by patrol chaser

Viciously attacking a Japanese submarine by ramming, depth charges and gunfire, a U.S. Navy submarine chaser sank the underseas raider with all hands in the Pacific 15 minutes after lookouts detected her periscopes scan­ning the convoy which the chaser was protecting.

The attack, carried out by the USS PC‑487 under the command of Lt. W. Gordon Cornell, USNR, Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York, occurred recently as the chaser and other escort vessels guarded a convoy headed for a U.S. base.

The Pittsburgh Press (August 10, 1943)

Fleeing Nazis blow up roads, Allies smash ahead in Sicily

Americans, British merge near pass, trapping many of enemy
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer

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Allies join forces in Sicily as U.S. and British columns (arrows) met near Randazzo Pass, trapping many German troops. The broken line shows the approximate battlefront, while the solid line denotes where the Axis forces are preparing a last stand.

Allied HQ, North Africa –
Retreating German troops have begun wholesale demolition of communications in northeast Sicily, impeding but failing to check a general Allied advance which effected a junction of the U.S. 7th and British 8th Armies between Randazzo Pass and the center of the line.

7th and 8th Army columns driving against Randazzo, key junction dominating the narrow defile between Mt. Etna and the Caronian Range, met west of the pass and plunged in today for a showdown battle expected to seal the fate of the cornered defenders of Sicily.

The junction of the American and British spearheads was believed to have cut off unknown numbers of German troops making a sacrificial stand before the mouth of the pass, one of the most vital Sicilian objectives remaining in Axis hands.

Blow up roads

The hard-pressed Germans, struggling to slow down the Allied advance in all sectors, started a campaign of blowing up roads on a scale never before witnessed in the Sicilian campaign, which went into its second month today.

Dynamite blasts in the wake of the Nazi withdrawal sent whole mountainsides crashing down on the roads. The Germans evidently realized that they were nearing the end of their fighting days and were embarking on an extravagant policy of demolition.

The only conquest of a town reported today – the capture of Pedara, five miles inland from Acireale by British forces straightening out their lines along the eastern seaboard – was no barometer of the steady Allied gains promising final victory within a matter of days.

Near Cape

On the north coast, the left wing of Lt. Gen. George S. Patton’s 7th Army forged ahead and was estimated to have reached a point less than five miles west of Capo d’Orlando.

It was west of the Cape that the 7th Army with U.S. Navy assistance turned the German flank Sunday morning in a landing now revealed to have been on a much larger scale than first indicated.

The original number of 300 prisoners capitulated by the Americans in the amphibious foray was boosted to 1,500, most of whom were described as Italians.

Drive 120 miles

The 7th Army was estimated to have advanced more than 120 miles and the 8th Army more than 80 since they stormed the Sicilian beaches a month ago.

A communiqué from the headquarters of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower confirmed the capture of Bronte, only nine miles from Randazzo, by a British 8th Army spearhead closing in around the road encircling Mt. Etna.

Northward, the communiqué said, the U.S. 7th Army, aided by knife-wielding French Moroccan Goums, “have continued to oppress eastward.” U.S. units were past Cesarò, only 12 miles west of Randazzo.

Shell coastal road

The position of the German and Italian forces “becomes daily more difficult,” the communiqué said.

British warships bombarded the eastern coastal road twice last weekend, it was revealed, while Allied aircraft heavily pounded Messina, the main Axis escape port, and communications through southern Italy. Six small enemy vessels were sunk along the Sicilian coast by fighter-bombers.

The landing in the Torrenova area east of Sant’Agata was disclosed to have resulted in a frantic withdrawal by enemy forces along the North Sicilian coast.

The new Axis line was believed to anchor on Capo d’Orlando in the north and follow the 23-mile-long road southeastward to Randazzo on the northwestern slope of Mt. Etna.

From Randazzo eastward, the Axis holds a 15-mile stretch of road that joins the coastal route near Fiumefreddo, about 13 miles north of Acireale. Thus, capture of Randazzo in the center would wedge the routes linking the Messina triangle.

Support landing

The bombardments on the east took place Saturday and Sunday nights near Taormina, north of Fiumefreddo, and at Riposto and Acireale before that point was taken. It was disclosed that heavy U.S. warships supported the northern coast landing with a bombardment of enemy positions.

Heavy Allied bombers plastered the Messina road junctions yesterday while other Allied planes continued the sweeps and patrols designed to prevent an Axis escape. Three enemy planes were destroyed while three Allied planes were missing.

Vila is pounded by U.S. airmen

Japs ‘softened up’ for new drive in Pacific
By Brydon Taves, United Press staff writer

Axis rollback watched –
Trend studied by Roosevelt

Conference with Churchill still discussed

Congress will be asked to bar draft of fathers

House leader’s bill would affect all dads, including those now in service

Senator George’s flier-son missing

Yanks get newscasts during Sicily attack

New York (UP) –
Every man on one of the ships participating in the Sicilian invasion knew what was happening every step of the way, Navy Lt. John Mason Brown, who was assigned to deliver a series of newscasts during the action over the ship’s public address system, said today.

Lt. Brown, former drama critic for the New York World-Telegram, said it was the idea of RAdm. Alan G. Kirk that all the men in this command were entitled to know what was happening.

The newscasts on Lt. Brown’s ship changed from background material and feature sketches, presented as the warships started across the Atlantic, to “spot news” descriptions as the armada approached the enemy shoreline. On the first night of the attack, Lt. Brown spent from 11:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. alternately observing the action and newscasting.

Scandal called ‘stench’ –
Army Air Forces are charged with aiding monopoly

House group says company using inferior airport fueling system bestowed favors on Air Force officers
By Thomas L. Stokes, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Dancer-economist blasts Dies as ‘pupil of Nazism’

Bounced bureaucrat says probe of un-Americanism is ‘an obstacle to winning the war’

U.S., Britain seek closer ties to Soviet Union

Opportunity to end war sooner than expected to be advanced
By Harrison Salisbury, United Press staff writer

Chaser with a 3-way punch sinks Jap sub in 15 minutes

Depth charges, deck guns and two vicious rammings dispose of enemy craft and all aboard

Quick capture of Munda base surprises all

Jap defenses at airfield softened to pulp by bombardment
By B. J. McQuaid

Davis: Bombings alone are not enough

Nazi Army must be beaten, OWI head asserts

Sweden-held Yanks ‘treated like kings’

AFL faced with decision on the fourth term issue

Hillman of CIO extends plea to join endorsement; progressives oppose Lewis’ return
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Devil Dogs swell actors!

Seventy-three Marines take speaking roles, perform like veterans

Gishes hold reunion at film studio

Dorothy and Lillian meet on set for first time in fifteen years

It all depends, you see, upon the discriminator

If it’s a government agency, the hearings are secret; if a union or employer, public is invited
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Editorial: Something wrong somewhere

Editorial: FD catches up on his fishing

Edson: Viereck case may lead to drive on seditious groups

By Peter Edson

‘Conviction on suspicion’ described at FCC inquiry

Radio licenses held up until stations make personnel changes, witness says