America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Germans digging in –
Allies in Sicily drive 15 miles

Americans take Cefalù; Canadians advance
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer

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Allied advance of 15 miles in North Sicily today brings the invasion forces approximately to the positions shown by the black line on the map. Axis forces were digging in along a front (broken line) from San Stefano to below Catania.

Allied HQ, North Africa –
U.S. and Canadian troops have advanced the main Allied offensive line 15 miles eastward in Sicily, front reports said today.

The Canadians, the reports said, were driving forward against bitter opposition, trying to pierce the center of the German defenses.

Official announcements said that the Americans had occupied Cefalù, north coast harbor 35 miles east of Palermo, and with other troops from the center, had taken Petralia, Polizzi Generosa and Alimena.

Germans digging in

Front reports said that the Germans were digging in on a solid line beginning at San Stefano on the north coast, running south and east through Nicosia and Catenanuova and along the Dittaino River to the east coast.

The Germans massed for a pitched battle to hold their last one-eighth of the island. They were reported sandwiching Italian troops among their units, but only for labor rather than fighting.

The major Allied line now runs from below Catania on the east coast to Cefalù on the north coast, although advance U.S. units were considerably past the latter port. A German stand was expected along the Dittaino River against the British 8th Army.

Italian divisions escape

It was learned that two Italian field divisions, that were nearly trapped in the American drive that captured Palermo, had managed to withdraw eastward toward Messina. This made at least eight Axis divisions known to be still in the field on Sicily.

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s communiqué said activity on the eastern front where the British 8th Army faced German units before Catania had fallen off to patrol action and that the American front on the left flank was static.

Twenty-four hours earlier, units from the U.S. 7th Army had joined with the Canadians to break up an attempted German counterattack in the center.

While the 8th Army was held up temporarily by the stiffened German defenses south of Mt. Etna on the east coast, front reports said German losses in that area were running as high as 50% for some battalions.

Wake hit hard by Liberators

Yanks blast 15 Zeros in second raid in 4 days

Roosevelt to speak on war at 9:30 p.m.

Washington (UP) –
President Roosevelt will deliver a speech “of major importance” at 9:30 p.m. (EWT) tonight, over all broadcasting networks.

The baseball game tonight at Forbes Field will be halted at 9:30 and Mr. Roosevelt’s address will be broadcast to the fans over the park’s public address system.

Mr. Roosevelt told his press conference yesterday that the address would be about the war. Asked if he meant the home front or the battlefronts, he said there was only one front – and that includes all war efforts both at home and abroad.


It comes like lightning

By Florence Fisher Parry

One day he was there, strutting, filling the Palace with his noise and bombast. The next, he was gone, the Palace overrun by the people who were yesterday slaves, and now felt themselves to be free.

It comes like lightning. The page of history does not turn with a slow rustle. One comes to the bottom of one page, and lo, in an instant, it has turned as though a sword had turned it and what is written on the next page is anybody’s guess.

One day the Czar was safe – scared but safe. The next day he was dead, and his wife and children. So, it is with all those in high places that have become too high. Gentle or terrible, raised by fate or by their own maneuverings, when they sit too high, they fall.

One day Hitler will walk down the bristling aisle of raised hands in stiff salute. No one will look to be as safe, as guarded, as powerful as he. The next day, his carcass will crave, uneasily, a grave.

But always leaders will be raised and carried through the streets and set upon the seats of the mighty, and be invested with attributes no mortal man can have. Leaders and followers, leaders and followers. It is the course of mankind.

Toppled idols

I was at Baden-Baden, and the Kaiser was borne down the avenue on his way to the castle. There was something terrible in the slavish cheers. The people seemed to turn to worms groveling. In a few frightful years he was a craven fugitive, a man without a country.

I was in New York when President Harding spoke reverently before the caskets of returned dead soldiers. Americans, loyal and trusting, remarked upon the man’s noble mien. In a few years, he was disgraced and dead.

I was in Washington when Charles A. Lindbergh returned. Up from a window in the New Willard Hotel, we saw a demonstration the like of which had never been accorded any American. The boy was a god, millions went delirious with love and pride in him. I lived to see angry, disgusted citizens turn away from him as he walked, lonely, through Grand Central Station, a hated man.

I remember the first year of the first administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Has there ever been such a united support behind a President, I wonder? Washington did not have it, nor Jefferson nor Lincoln nor Wilson. A strange humility and united intention possessed the hearts of Americans. “There is nothing to fear but fear,” he had said, and we believed him, and so cast out fear and were born again.

I cannot remember how long it lasted, can you? The change was gradual, more gradual than most changes. But it did not start until long after our own attitude had been communicated to distant lands, and the population of the whole world had taken on, in imitation, our own trustfulness and love for this new President.

Now strangers, visiting our country, are struck with bitter amazement over our frank and growing coolness toward the administration now in power. To them, who for 10 years have sustained, unaltered, the image we first gave them of our President, our change of heart is near to sacrilege. What? Dare we criticize our President, upon whose benignity rests the salvation of the world?

Leader on the make

Yet here at home, deep forces are beginning to move against the bland bonanzas of the New Deal… Three years ago, they started, and we were witness again to that strange manifestation of revolt which unseats and topples the most illustrious idol…

For do you remember the visit of Wendell Willkie to Pittsburgh, and the crowds, the crowds, their faces marked with a strange new exaltation, as though some inner baptism had occurred?

I do. I remember this bronzed and shaggy man, being borne down Fifth Avenue, hatless, his face lifted to the sun. “What a man!” was muttered under the breath of thousands who, before sight of him, were unconvinced and sullen… For he was marked for leadership – but marked before his time.

No one quite knows what happened… He seemed to be lifted up into the sun on a bright, piercing spear of acclaim, millions of hopes a capsule in his palm.

And then – he was a man among men again, merely… Was it that his clock had struck too soon?

Hurricane hits on Gulf Coast

Six are killed; damage is estimated in millions

Simms: Preparations already begun for surrender

Allies will deal with duly constituted Italian authority
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Washington –
Preparations for the eventual surrender of Italy are already underway, official denials notwithstanding, is the opinion of many diplomats here.

This does not mean that London and Washington have offered Italy detailed peace terms. There are reports, however, that King Victor Emmanuel had put out feelers via Madrid and that London, after contact with Washington, has definitely made known the answer.

The essence of that answer has been made public. In his speech to the House of Commons yesterday, Prime Minister Churchill told Italy that unless she withdrew from the war at once, she would be “seared, scarred and blackened from one end to the other.” Unquestionably King Victor Emmanuel has the official text of that speech at hand now.

But that was not the significant part of what the British statesman had to say. He made it unmistakable that Great Britain and the United States were prepared to deal with the King, Marshal Pietro Badoglio or any other duly constituted authority.

Warns of mistake

When Italian affairs are in the present flexible, formative position, he said:

It would be a grave mistake for the rescuing powers – Britain and the United States – so to act as to break down the whole structure and expression of the Italian state.

On both sides of the Atlantic, there are certain ideological groups that strenuously object to having anything to do with King Victor Emmanuel, the House of Savoy, Marshal Badoglio or anybody else who, in the past 12 years, has had anything to do with the Italian scene. It is to these, apparently, that Mr. Churchill addressed his word of caution.

Similarly significant was President Roosevelt’s sharp rebuke yesterday to the Office of War Information. The OWI had broadcast by shortwave that:

There is no reason to believe that the essential nature of the Fascist regime of Italy has changed.

…and had quoted an American columnist as calling the Italian ruler a “moronic little king.”

Roosevelt agrees

That was on Sunday night. Yesterday, Prime Minister Churchill announced that:

Mussolini has gone and the Fascist power has certainly been irretrievably broken.

He went on to say that he and President Roosevelt were in daily contact and were in complete agreement on the course to pursue. And, speaking of the Badoglio government, he added that:

We would be foolish to deprive ourselves of any means of coming to a general conclusion with the Italian nation.

Mr. Churchill said:

We certainly do not seek to reduce Italian life to a condition of chaos and anarchy and find ourselves without an authority with which to deal.

Won’t start revolution

From the above, it would seem conclusive that Great Britain and the United States have no intention whatever of waiting for a revolution to break out in Italy – let alone stirring one up – before taking steps to “a general conclusion.”

Months ago, both Mr. Churchill and Mr. Roosevelt told the Italian people that if they would oust Mussolini and his Fascists, they could set up any kind of democratic government they wanted. Mr. Churchill said:

One man, and one man alone, has brought them to this pass.

And now, he says:

Mussolini has gone and the Fascist power has been irrevocably broken.

If, as he said, he and Mr. Roosevelt see eye to eye with regard to Italy, it would seem that the Italian surrender can proceed.

Police seek mystery man in lovers’ lane slaying

Nude, mutilating body of soldier’s wife found in Hollywood gold club flower bed
By M. J. Jenkins, United Press staff writer

Address by Wallace praised by Roosevelt

Yanks raid Hankow, down 13 Jap planes

Storehouses blasted by Yanks in Burma

Counsel appointed for accused spies

Post-war air planning urged

‘Welfare of millions’ in U.S. viewed at stake

1,496 vessels delivered ‘since Pearl Harbor’

Italians reach interim period in peace moves

Steps necessary prior to negotiations have been fulfilled
By Helen Kirkpatrick

Intense hate for Germans shown by Italian captives

Nazis attack prison ships en route to England; men will be assigned to farm labor
By Nat A. Barrows

Jungle troops inching ahead against Munda

Japs hold fortified points on New Georgia Island until wiped out
By Brydon Taves, United Press staff writer

Russians mob 2 theaters at Davies’ film premiere

Audience laughs at inaccuracies in Mission to Moscow, thinking them comedy

Program for feeding Europe to be studied

OWI broadcast ‘blunder’ may bring major shakeup

Roosevelt sharply denounces the characterization of Italian ruler as ‘little moronic king’
By Joseph Laitin, United Press staff writer

Point values increased on frozen foods

Action also taken providing for sale of items canned at home

National GOP due for bitter internal fight

Willkie followers and old guard at odds on U.S. post-war policies
By Thomas L. Stokes, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Knox wants WAVES for overseas duty