America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

In den Gewässern der Salomoninseln –
Vier feindliche Kriegsschiffe versenkt

Ein neues Ablenkungsmanöver Roosevelts –
Die Bedeutung des Pazifikunternehmens

Sonderdienst des „Völkischer Beobachters“

Lissabon, 7. Juli –
Die vor wenigen Tagen eröffnete Pazifikunternehmung, deren Verlauf natürlich noch völlig offenliegt, ist sowohl für die öffentliche Meinung der USA. als auch für die anglo-amerikanische Strategie bedeutungsvoll. Die Nachricht wurde in den USA. zum Unabhängigkeitstag verbreitet und brachte eine starke Entspannung der durch das fortgesetzte Warten auf eine immer wieder als unmittelbar bevorstehend angekündigte Europainvasion allmählich überreizten Nerven.

Gleichzeitig verwies das amerikanische Kriegsministerium bezeichnenderweise zum soundsovielten Male auf die japanischen Truppenkonzentrationen in den sibirischen Grenzen, die wohl nichts anderes als den Wunsch darstellten, Japan möchte gegen die Sowjets vorstoßen und damit einen sowjetrussisch-japanischen Krieg auslösen, in dessen Verlauf den Amerikanern Flugfelder in Bomberreichweite der japanischen Kerninseln eingeräumt würden.

Der unbequeme Stalin

Gegenüber dem Drängen Stalins um Errichtung der „zweiten Front“ versichert Washington immer wieder, die Anglo-Amerikaner könnten sich eine Europainvasion nur dann leisten, wenn erhebliche deutsche Truppenteile an der Ostfront gebunden seien. Stalin wiederum behauptet, er würde eine Ostoffensive nur wagen, wenn die Deutschen dort zu einer Invasion zu erheblichen Truppenabziehungen von der Ostfront gezwungen werden. Die interalliierte Strategie bietet also das Bild des Tauziehens; jeder Partner möchte ganz sicher gehen.

Militärische Kreise Washingtons stellen nun zwei Punkte in den Vordergrund, die für die Sowjetrussen nicht gerade schmeichelhaft klingen. Erstens sei man nicht sicher, ob sie eine erfolgreiche Offensive durchführen könnten. Ihre Taktik sei immer noch sehr ungeschickt und habe sich bisher nur in den Winterfeldzügen bewährt. So sei es ihnen nicht einmal möglich, den kleinen deutschen Brückenkopf Noworossijsk zu beseitigen. Falls es den Sowjets aber nicht gelänge, den größten Teil der deutschen Osttruppen zu vernichten, ergebe sich für Deutschland die Möglichkeit, seine gesamte Wucht gegen eine Invasionsarmee zu wenden und sie zu zerschlagen. Wenn eine anglo-amerikanische Invasion jedoch fehlschlage, wären damit ungezählte Verluste an Truppen und Material verbunden und es würde sehr lange dauern, bis ein erneuter Invasionsversuch erfolgen könnte.

Ein ‚titanisches Vabanquespiel‘

Washingtons Verstimmung gegenüber dem immer heftigeren Drängen des sowjetrussischen Verbündeten läßt sich kaum noch verbergen. „Man kann es den Russen Überhaupt nicht klarmachen, daß wir nicht die endlosen Reserven an ausgebildeten und erfahrenen Truppen haben,“ schrieb Major Fletcher Pratt unlängst in der Newyork Post. „Eine Invasion über dem Kanal, weil sie die Russen verlangen, wäre im Augenblick ein titanisches Vabanquespiel.“ In diesem erhitzten Streit der Geister wirkt die begonnene Südpazifikunternehmung abkühlend. Sie zeigt Moskau den guten Willen, überhaupt etwas zu tun. Außerdem soll sie den ungeduldig werdenden Tschungking-Chinesen und den verschnupften Australiern und Neuseeländern zeigen, daß man sie nicht vergessen hat. In den USA ist man angesichts der fortgesetzt heftigen Zusammenstöße zwischen dem Präsidenten und dem Kongreß schon erfreut, wenn an irgend einer Front überhaupt etwas geschieht, was die Blicke von den immer unerquicklicher werdenden Zuständen im Weißen Hause ablenkt. Wenn dabei noch Roosevelts politischer Gegner General MacArthur in den Blickpunkt der Ereignisse rückt, so steigert das nur das Wohlbehagen der Opposition.

Wegen seiner USA.-feindlichen Politik –
De Gaulle von London abgehalftert

Stockholm, 7. Juli –
De Gaulle hat sich nun anscheinend auch noch die letzten Reste britischer Sympathien verscherzt. Denn sonst würde man sich in London wohl kaum so beeilen, ihm die Beweise ehemaliger englischer Gunst endgültig zu nehmen.

Das englische Informationsministerium hat, wie offiziell mitgeteilt wurde, der De-Gaulle-Zeitung La Marseillaise das Erscheinen verboten. De Gaulle hat damit die letzte Möglichkeit verloren, sich vor der seiner ewigen Klagen und Krakeelereien müden englischen Öffentlichkeit Gehör zu verschaffen.

Bezeichnenderweise begründete das Informationsministerium seine Maßnahme damit, daß die Zeitung eine Politik verfolgt habe, „die feindlich gegen die USA. eingestellt war,“ so daß es zu zahlreichen Eingaben im Unterhaus gekommen sei. Die andere Begründung, daß die „kämpfenden Franzosen“ jetzt in dem französischen Befreiungsausschuß in Algier aufgegangen seien, weswegen sie keine eigene Zeitung mehr in London zu haben brauchten, wurde von den Engländern der äußeren Form halber beigefügt. Das täuscht nicht darüber hinweg, daß sich London auch in diesem Punkt den amerikanischen Wünschen fügen und von de Gaulle endgültig abrücken mußte.

Stampa Sera (July 8, 1943)

Siluri contro il traffico nemico –
Due piroscafi per 13 mila tonn. affondati da nostri aerei sulle coste tunisine

Diciannove apparecchi avversari abbattuti

Il Quartiere General delle Forze Armate comunica:

Nostri aerosiluranti hanno effettuato riuscite puntate offensive lungo le coste tunisine colpendo due piroscafi di complessive 13 mila tonnellate cosi gravemente da far ritenere sicuro il loro affondamento.

Incursioni avversarie su Trapani, Porto Empedocle e Catania causavano lievi danni e poche perdite fra le popolazioni. Quattordici apparecchi venivano distrutti dal tiro delle batterie della difesa: 3 a Trapani, 4 a Porto Empedocle e 7 a Catania.

Cacciatori dell’Asse abbattevano in combattimento 5 velivoli nel cielo della Sicilia.

Ecco i nomi dei piloti che si sono segnalati nelle azioni di aerosiluramento citate dal Bollettino odierna: tenente Bernardo Braghieri da Piacenza, tenente Francesco Pandolfo da Acireale (Catania), maresciallo Silvio Florentu da Roma, sergente maggiorie Lorenzo Sciarra da Roma.

U.S. Navy Department (July 8, 1943)

Communiqué No. 437

Pacific and Far East.
U.S. submarines have reported the following results of operations against the enemy in the waters of these areas:

  1. 1 large transport sunk.
  2. 1 medium‑sized transport sunk.
  3. 2 medium‑sized cargo vessels sunk.
  4. 1 large tanker sunk.
  5. 1 medium‑sized tanker sunk.
  6. 1 large cargo vessel sunk.
  7. 1 medium‑sized passenger‑cargo vessel sunk.
  8. 1 small cargo vessel sunk.
  9. 1 small schooner sunk.
  10. 4 medium‑sized cargo vessels damaged.

These actions have not been announced in any previous Navy Depart­ment Communiqués.

Brooklyn Eagle (July 8, 1943)

U.S. clamps vise on Munda with 2 surprise landings

Yanks drive inland on base cut off by 9–1 sea victory

Five Nippon warships, set ablaze in few minutes, lit battle scene

By Frank Tremaine

19 waves of bombers pulverize Gerbini

Allied HQ, North Africa (UP) –
Allied air fleets, smashing Axis defenses on the island invasion route to Italy, pounded airfields on Sicily and Sardinia for the fifth straight day yesterday and centered a day-long assault on Gerbini, where 19 waves of bombers pulverized enemy fighter defenses.

Flying Fortresses, Mitchells and Marauders blanketed Gerbini and its adjacent airfields with bombs, touching off big fires, without meeting an Axis plane. Raids on Gerbini have torn apart the Sicilian airdrome every day this week.

Eight Axis airbases, five of them on Sicily, felt the destructive weight of Allied bombs in the day and night attacks yesterday. At the same time, the raiders again blasted Italian communications in Palermo, Mazara and the Sciacca Harbor area, all on Sicily.

Order French coast cleared

Meanwhile, the French Ministry of Information in Algiers announced the Germans had ordered a number of areas on both the Atlantic and Mediterranean coast of France evacuated because they are “urgently threatened.”

The evacuation order was described as mainly a Nazi attempt to “drain France of her young and resistant elements before an Allied landing occurs.”

The areas affected included Sète (west of Marseille) on the Mediterranean coast, and Hendaye, Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Bayonne and Biarritz on the Bay of Biscay. Several hundred thousand persons will be affected.

As the day for the assault against Europe appeared to be coming closer, waves of Allied bombers swept over to pulverize the Gerbini Airfield on Sicily and pile wreckage on Milis, Villacidro and Pabillonis Airfields on Sardinia.

Fighter opposition continued on a reduced scale, and of the few score Axis planes seen, Allied gunners shot down ten and dispersed the others. Five Allied planes were lost.

Final checks on Monday’s Flying Fortress raid against the network of Sicilian airdromes revealed that gunners shot down 35 Axis planes, five more than originally reported.

Fortresses concentrate on Sicily

Flying Fortresses, Marauders and Mitchells concentrated on Sicily. The Sardinia raids were carried out by RAF Wellingtons. Fighter-bombers patrolled Sicily and P-40 Warhawks hit at railroads, highways and ammunition dumps through western Sicily.

An Italian communiqué broadcast by Rome radio said the Allied raids caused only “slight damage” and that 19 Allied planes were shot down. The targets were identified at Trapani, Porto Empedocle and Catania. Two Allied steamers (totaling 30,000 tons) were probably sunk by Italian torpedo boats off the Tunisian coast, the communiqué said.

Comiso blasted again

Mitchells hit much-bombed Comiso, in southeast Sicily, dropping nearly 50 tons of bombs.

Two waves of fighter-bombers got direct hits with 500-pound bombs at Porto Empedocle on the Sicilian coast.

Boston night bombers caught many Axis aircraft on the ground in a raid on Borizzo Airfield in northwest Sicily.

Seen massing for showdown

London, England (UP) –
Reliable air observers here believed today that Allied and Axis air forces were being massed for a showdown battle for control of the air over the Mediterranean.

After some weeks of hesitation, the Axis had apparently decided to accept the challenge of the Allied blitz and may be committing substantial forces to the defense of Italy and the Italian islands.

Allied output to quadruple that of Axis

Nelson predicts great arms spurt in 1944 – explains summer lag

Conferees send subsidy issue back to Senate

Wagner will urge CCC extension – corn price boost tabled

3 envoys confirmed

Washington (UP) –
The Senate has confirmed the nomination of Ray Atherton to be U.S. Minister to Canada, Loy Henderson was confirmed as Minister to Iraq and William C. Burdett as Minister to New Zealand.

U.S. Army, short 7,000 doctors, accepts only six women doctors

Lo, the poor men: Women asked to end discrimination

Expect Allies to get Martinique warships

2 U.S. generals win Croix de Guerre

Algiers, Algeria (UP) –
Maj. Gen. Terry Allen and Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt, American officers who participated in the African campaign, have been decorated with the Croix de Guerre for courage under fire, French authorities announced today.

The citations were signed by Gen. Alphonse Juin, Acting Commander-in-Chief of French forces in North and West Africa during the absence of Gen. Henri Giraud. The decorations were presented by Gen. Louis Koeltz, commander of the French 19th Corps.

Gigantic preparations described for invasion explosion

Allies must pound foe into defeat
By Hugh Baillie

Allied HQ, North Africa (UP) –
The gigantic challenge confronting the Allies in assaulting Hitler’s European fortresses slaps you in the face when you enter this war theater and become aware of the tremendous preparations underway.

Back in Washington they talk of an offensive being “mounted.” Here you see it. You also realize where your young men, gasoline, rubber tires and beef have gone.

As President Roosevelt said, the enemy will be hit until he doesn’t know his bow from his stern. Prime Minister Churchill said it would occur before the leaves of autumn fall. When or where, who can say?

There is tension in the air. There is no thought of a quick, easy victory. A tremendously formidable enemy must be pounded to pieces mathematically with airpower, sea power and, above all, manpower. No quick Axis foldup, similar to the last days in Tunisia, is expected.

That Tunisian surrender was the result of a pulverizing drive, the full velocity of which may not be comprehended until history gives it perspective.

Eisenhower a busy man

The head of this colossal organization is dynamic Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, who is apparently able to come pretty close to being several places at once. He uses planes as Civil War generals used horses to get around over a war area of 2,000 miles – roughly equivalent to the distance from New York to Salt Lake City. In one day, he visited eight airdromes, flew 1,500 miles, and spent the remainder of his time inspecting, conferring, arranging and making decisions which must be right the first time. There is no second-guessing in this business.

Other campaigns and other wars will be dwarfed by this one. In the last war, the enemy lay in mud trenches and concrete pillboxes behind barbed wire across a narrow space called No Man’s Land, and yet you recall what unrelenting efforts were required to oust him. Here the enemy lies behind the Mediterranean Sea with fortified islands as outer bastions. The enemy has had plenty of time to prepare due to the staggering task of transporting men and equipment to this distant shore in sufficient quantities.

Yet that was only the beginning. No doubt the enemy beyond the Mediterranean has now constructed the most modem mantraps, accumulated the latest killing equipment and concentrated the best firepower devisable by the devilish ingenuity and brains which have a peculiar genius for war and for making war atrocious.

A serious misnomer

Nobody here expects it will be any picnic, any triumphal whirlwind. It will not be another October 1918, when the Germans collapsed. People who have such ideas at home are kidding themselves. The phrase “Europe’s soft underbelly” is believed to be a serious misnomer.

Armadas, compared to which the Spanish Armada was a collection of paper boats sailed by a child in a bathtub, are moving. You know they carry the hopes of the American and British peoples for victory – not in terms of statistics but in terms of young men, tanks, ammunition, hospital apparatus and blood plasma. And of weapons, the very names of which have not yet appeared in news dispatches.

Many harbors and many cities with exotic names and flavors, are scenes of intense activity, yet there is no confusion.

Practically every male is in uniform, but the uniforms are working clothes. A majority of the youngsters resemble football players trained to the finest physical perfection.

The terrific weight which was necessary to slug Pantelleria into submission may be but a small sample of what is ahead. There may be many more Dieppes, magnified manyfold.

Planes have big role

The fact that airpower is expected to play the most important role is manifested not only by the present fierce air battles which show that the Axis still possesses hordes of fighters, but also by the existence of huge Allied airdromes. To a layman’s eyes, it looks like all the airplanes in the world have come to this arena for what may develop into the greatest test of the Luftwaffe’s strength since the Battle of Britain.

Welding all of these elements into a tornado of explosion, fire and bayoneting which will pulverize the enemy when the proper time comes staggers the imagination.

War is in the very air you breathe, grim and sinister. Nevertheless, with all this picturesqueness sometimes it almost seems as if you were just around the corner from Sunset and Vine in Hollywood and you wouldn’t be surprised to see the people troop into soundstage No. 20 after lunch at the cafeteria on the studio lot. It’s real yet unreal, like seeing a man electrocuted.

AP says U.S. fails on trust charges

Editorial: Stimson’s warning is timely on optimism at small losses

Office of War Information reports that casualties of the Armed Forces since the outbreak of the war total 91,644 emphasize anew the less deadly character of the Second World War as compared with the First. Nevertheless, Secretary Stimson is wise in warning the American people against considering the losses up to the present time as an optimistic indication of the price which will eventually be paid for victory.

Up to now, the modern fluid warfare has been sparing of lives. Except on the Russian Front, where losses have been heavy, there has been nothing to compare with the slaughter of 1914-18, where the 16 nations which were active participants suffered total casualties of 37,500,000, including 8,500,000 dead. Fortunately, our own death list up to the present time numbers only 16,696, which is less than the loss in about three weeks of fighting in the Argonne. During the entire campaign of six months in Africa, 2,574 Americans were killed.

This war of armored divisions, of tanks and planes and swift movement, has been designed to produce decisions with a minimum expenditure of lives. There has been no fruitless slaughter, as on the Somme and at Passchendaele, where men died by the thousands without bringing the last war any closer to its end. But, as, Secretary Stimson has indicated, the war has not as yet entered upon its decisive phase and there is no means of knowing the price that will be paid for a successful invasion of Europe, which is essential to victory in the West, and for the destruction of Japanese power at its source – the islands of Japan.

In the growing size and scope of the air raids over Europe, however, there is basis for the belief that this price may not be as heavy as was at one time feared. Air strength of the United Nations has now reached such proportions that it is possible to drop 2,000 tons of bombs on a single objective and to repeat this performance on successive nights. This air attack has caused such extensive damage to Germany’s industrial machine that the results are certain to become evident on the battlefield, where supplies and equipment must arrive without interruption if defeat is to be averted.

While there is virtual agreement among military leaders that campaigns cannot be won by air attack alone, that ground must be occupied and held if victory is to be achieved, there is basis for the belief that the terrific air offensives, which obliterate great sections of cities and towns, will reduce the effectiveness of the Nazi military machine to such a degree that the losses in the land fighting will be cut.

Air superiority was a vital factor in Germany’s easy conquests in the early days of her swift triumphs. Its loss may easily be an equally important element in bringing about her defeat.

The Pittsburgh Press (July 8, 1943)

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

Second of a series.

North Africa –
The fond mothers of WAACs in Africa may have visions of their poor little girls all alone over here in this big bad world fighting off olive-skinned rouges with one hand and lions and snakes with the other.

They needn’t worry. The girls are perfectly safe. The city they are in is as modern, though in a European way, as cities back home. Thousands of French women and girls, dressed just as Americans dress, crowd the streets at all hours. There are American Army nurses, and British nurses, WAAFs, WRENs and ATS girls, and five different kinds of French service girls in uniform.

There is the thrill of being in the midst of vital things here, without the drawbacks of either physical danger or spiritual peril.

Our WAACs do about a dozen kinds of work here. It takes a couple of dozen to run their own two barracks, their three messes and their headquarters. They are proud of being a self-contained unit, requiring no help from anybody. They even repair their own stoves.

Five of the others are car drivers, and the rest work in offices. They serve as secretaries, typists, draughtsmen, phone operators, and mail sorters. They get up and “go to the office” just as though they were on civilian jobs back home.

There are six WAACs in Gen. Eisenhower’s office. There are 30 in the Adjutant General’s office, 11 in the Judge Advocate’s office, 14 in Civil Affairs. The Signal Corps has 50 running switchboards and teletypes and deciphering code messages. And since there are no WAVES over here yet, two WAACs are working for the Navy!

When a WAAC takes over a telephone switchboard from a soldier, efficiency goes up about a thousand percent. If there is one single thing the male species does with complete confusion and incompetence, it’s running a switchboard.

The mail section is another example of women doing a job better than soldiers can. There are 95 WAACs in the delayed-mail section – mail that, for some reason or other, is not immediately deliverable, and the addresses have to be tracked down. This is confining and tedious work. You have to sit all day, and you become practically an international business machine. Each of these girls is now doing the work of four G.I. soldiers whom they replaced, the big bumble-fingers.

There are a number of WAACs in the Planning Section, and these are cognizant of the most vitally secret information. They are good tongue-holders. Their officers tell me that soldiers who have dates with WAACs are always confessing to them where they are going next, but that the girls are as mum as though they were talking to German spies.

Of the five girls who are drivers, two drive trucks. In England, it’s a common sight to see a whole big military convoy driven by women, but we haven’t reached that stage yet. The two WAAC truckdrivers work mostly in the city, but they have made cross-country trips of several hundred miles hauling supplies.

Both of these drivers are former schoolteachers, and one holds a master’s degree. She is Idel Anderson of San Francisco. She taught history in Reno. She loves it over here. In fact, she has definitely decided to come back after the war and stay a while. She wants to learn French perfectly, for one thing, and to have more time to brush up on history at the scene.

The other schoolmarm who wheels a big truck is Dorothy Gould, of Dos Palos, California. Both of these girls wear Army coveralls, but both of them are feminine and there is nothing truck-driverish about them except their ability.

The five officers of the WAAC company live in barracks with the girls but have separate rooms. The company commander is Capt. Frances Marquis, of New York, who is 46 and married and did promotion publicity work back home.

Second in command is Capt. Burke Nicholson, of St. Louis. She is 29, married, and has her own law practice in St. Louis. In fact, she was president of the Women’s Bar Association there, being the youngest one extant.

Lt. Elizabeth Joosten commands that part of the company which lives in a convent. She is a charming woman with a sharp wit, she is married, and she gives the Stratford Hotel in Houston, Texas, as her home. She was born and educated in Holland.

Lt. Sylvia Marsili, who says her name rhymes with parsley, is 36, comes from Pittsburgh, has a BS degree in home economics, and taught junior high school at Pittsburgh.

The fifth officer is a doctor. She is Lt. Margaret M. Janeway, who had her own practice in New York. She’s about to be taken into the Army. Lt. Janeway is 47, and married. She says the WAACs’ health is good and that the average WAAC in Africa, although she has gained about 15 pounds, has actually got slimmer around the waist. Which shows what hard work and regular hours and trying to learn French can do for a woman.

Völkischer Beobachter (July 9, 1943)

Der USA.-Hungerblockade erlegen –
Martinique gab Widerstand auf

dnb. Paris, 8. Juli –
Nachdem die Bevölkerung der Insel Martinique infolge der us.-amerikanischen Blockade seit mehreren Wochen von jeder Lebensmittelzufuhr ausgeschlossen war, hat sich nunmehr die französische Verwaltung entschlossen, den Widerstand gegen die Übergabeforderung der Washingtoner Regierung einzustellen.

Über die Verhältnisse auf der französischen Insel während der letzten Tage berichtet jetzt United Press, daß auf dem Gebiete des Lebensmittelmarktes vollkommenes Chaos geherrscht habe. Sämtliche Vorräte seien aufgebraucht worden, während gleichzeitig Krankheiten und Epidemien unter der Bevölkerung zu wüten begonnen hätten.

Südamerika soll Roosevelt-Kolonie weiden –
Neuer Plan des USA.-Imperialismus

tc. Lissabon, 8. Juli –
Die USA.-Regierung plant die Errichtung eines Südamerikaministeriums, wie aus gutunterrichteten Kreisen Washingtons mitgeteilt wird. Wer mit der Übernahme des neuen Ministerpostens betraut werden soll, ist noch nicht bekannt.

Nachdem Roosevelt bereits seit Jahren versucht hat, die südamerikanischen Staaten durch Bestechung, Erpressung und wirtschaftlichen Druck in Abhängigkeit zu den USA. zu bringen, war schon lange vorauszusehen, daß der ganze südamerikanische Kontinent eines Tages zu einer Kolonie der Vereinigten Staaten werden soll. Erstaunlich ist nur, daß Roosevelt schon jetzt die Maske fallen läßt und zur Ausbeutung Südamerikas ein Ministerium nach dem Muster des englischen Indienministeriums errichten will.

Preise und Löhne in ständiger Bewegung –
Roosevelts gefährliche Schwierigkeiten

Vor unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

‚Diplomatische Note‘ nach Washington –
Hollands Emigranten an der Klagemauer