America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Measure to defer farmers passed by Senate group

Outlook for 1943 food crop as big as last year’s is ‘almost hopeless,’ reports Military Affairs Committee

Editorial: Inning score 104–4

Ferguson: Father stays out all night

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

War Cabinet called best way to halt federal muddling

Assuming of complete authority by Roosevelt termed only means to end delay caused by lack of coordination
By E. A. Evans, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Transport survivors land –
3.5 hours in icy Atlantic like full month to mate

Crew stumbles around deck in dark; big ship sinks quickly; Brownsville man rescued

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

The following dispatch was written before the turn of the tide in Africa. U.S. troops have since recaptured the territory lost around Sbeitla.

The Tunisian front – (March 4, by wireless, delayed)
The withdrawal of our American forces from the vast Sbeitla Valley, back through Kasserine Pass, was a majestic thing in a way. It started before dawn one morning, and continued without a break for 24 hours. It had no earmarks whatever of a retreat, it was carried out so calmly and methodically. It differed in no way, except size, from the normal daily convoys of troops and supplies.

I left Sbeitla in the middle of it. Vehicles were so well-spaced that it was not difficult to pass them on the wide gravel road. And, since I was not required to keep line, I could go forward and back to get a good view of the entire movement.

Our planes were in the air almost constantly that day.

So far as I have heard, the Germans did not do a single road-strafing job on our withdrawing columns. They missed a magnificent opportunity. Why they didn’t try is still a mystery to me.

If you had been an Arab, standing beside the road, our great brown vehicles would have rumbled past you – one about every 30 seconds — for 24 hours. First, before daylight, came the kitchen trucks and engineers to prepare things ahead. Then came rolling guns, and some infantry to set up protection along the roads. Then the great vast bulk of long supply trains, field hospitals, command posts, ammunition wagons, infantry, artillery, and finally – when night came again – the tanks started and moved on until the next dawn.

Retreat completely motorized

The whole thing was completely motorized. Nobody was walking.

It was hard to realize, when you were part of it, that this was a retreat – that American forces in large numbers were retreating in foreign battle, one of the few times in our history. We couldn’t help feeling a slight sense of humiliation. Yet, while it was happening, that humiliation was somewhat overcome by our pride in the orderliness of the accomplishment.

It simply could not have been done better. Military police patrolled the road with jeeps and motorcycles to see that there was no passing, no traffic jamming, no loitering. Not many of our American trucks broke down; and those that did were immediately taken in tow. There were almost no accidents.

The withdrawal from Fériana and Thelepte Airdrome was separate, and smaller than ours. They were evacuated in the dawn hours. Ammunition dumps were set off, and all gasoline that could not be moved was set ablaze. Planes that took off that morning on dawn missions did not return to the field but landed elsewhere. All planes that could not get off the ground, because of minor damage or needed repair, were burned.

There never was anything built above ground at Thelepte, because the field had to take too much bombing. Everything was underground – offices, sleeping quarters, and the rest Nothing showed above ground, except the planes themselves and the little knee-high mounds that were dugout roofs.

One officer, just as he left, tacked on his dugout door a big newspaper map of the latest Russian line, so the Germans could see it when they came.

French troops slow traffic

There were French civilian refugees on our road, but not enough to hinder traffic. Most of them walked, carrying brown suitcases and bundles. I noticed they did not carry much, so they apparently had faith in our coming back. There were few Arabs among them. The Arabs are permanent. They get along, whoever comes to take charge of their country.

French artillery and infantry also were withdrawing. They did hinder traffic, after we were safely back at Kasserine Pass and the road grew narrow and poor. Across the soft sand French horses and horse-drawn ammunition carts by thousands lined the roads. We well knew the French were among the best fighters in the world. Bu this delaying stream of high-wheeled carts, toiling along so century-like, seemed symbolic of France’s whole disaster. The big fine French hospital just outside Kasserine was evacuated too, and the French supervisor gave away everything he had to American soldiers.

I chatted with one soldier – Sgt. Donald Schiavone, 666 4th Ave., Brooklyn – who had just been given an alarm clock, a silver letter opener, a basket of eggs, three dozen olives, and a bottle of peach brandy. A truckful of soldiers passed as we were talking. Seeing the bottle, they began yelling at Schiavone, who apparently had no hoarder’s blood in his veins. He ran after the truck and gave his bottle to the other soldiers.

That little everyday episode is an example of how unflustered, how unretreat-like our retreat was.

Clapper: Air offensive

By Raymond Clapper

Situation near big Navy bases hit by report

Secret inquiry condemns housing., sanitation and vice conditions
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

U.S. currency in circulation sets record

Cash crosses $16-billion mark for the first time in history

Caught in air raid on Capitol Hill

By Maxine Garrison

Millett: Your smiles help others

Mothers of soldiers deserve kindness
By Ruth Millett

Board upholds conductor in musician row

Philharmonic directors refuse to reinstate 14 members

Ten years of Roosevelt

Fifth New Deal underway for U.S.
By Peter Edson, special to the Pittsburgh Press

Cigarette firm faces charges

Misrepresentation in ads charged by FTC

Fair workers told to forget smudged faces

‘Helpless’ feminine appeal out for duration, ODT official says

America be like :



Völkischer Beobachter (March 6, 1943)

Ein offenherziger USA.-Admiral –
„U-Boote – das Hauptproblem“

dnb. Vigo, 5. März –
Die anglo-amerikanische Schiffahrt befindet sich trotz aller Ableugnungsversuche in den USA. und in England in einer schwierigen Lage. Das geht aus einer Äußerung des USA.-Admirals Stark hervor, die in der New York Herald Tribüne zu lesen ist.

In auffällig pessimistischen Worten schildert hier Stark, der Kommandeur der USA.-Seestreitkräfte in den europäischen Gewässern, die Lage, die „heiß wie die Hölle“ sei.

Wenn wir die U-Boote nicht erledigen, sind wir wie in einem Schweinestall gefangen.

Die enormen Kriegsanstrengungen der USA. wären völlig umsonst, wenn nicht ausreichende Tonnage für ihren Transport zu den Fronten zur Verfügung stände.

Jeder, der die Tatsachen kennt, wird wissen, das das U-Boot unser Hauptproblem ist. Jede Bewegung, die wir machen, hängt von unserer Tonnage ab.

Mit der Atlantikschlacht verhält es sich wie mit jeder anderen Schlacht, „man kann einen guten Monat haben, dann ist aber der nächste schlecht.“

Die Angriffe auf die U-Boot-Basen an der französischen Küste, meinte Stark dann weiter, hätten bis jetzt noch nicht die erhofften Ergebnisse gehabt. Auch das von den Engländern immer wieder vorgebrachte Argument, den Deutschen fehlten ausreichende Mannschaften zur Bemannung ihrer neuen Boote, will der Admiral nicht gelten lassen. Wenn deutsche Gründlichkeit die Schiffe bauen kann, erklärte er, dann können auch die Mannschaften dafür ausgebildet werden. Im übrigen, meinte er, seien auch die Mannschaften der anglo-amerikanischen Abwehrschiffe nicht mehr die besten.

70 holländische Schulkinder Opfer des USA.-Terrorangriffs

tc. Den Haag, 5. März –
Bei dem im heutigen OKW.-Bericht gemeldeten Tagesluftangriff nordamerikanischer Bomber gegen das holländische Küstengebiet am Donnerstag wurden 70 Schulkinder im Alter von 6 bis 12 Jahren auf der Halbinsel Voorne westlich von Rotterdam getötet. Vier Sprengbomben trafen mitten auf zwei Schulen und zwei Wohnhäuser und legten die Häuser in Schutt und Trümmer. Die in den beiden Schulen befindlichen Schulkinder sind fast ausnahmslos ums Leben gekommen.

U.S. Navy Department (March 6, 1943)

Communiqué No. 301

South Pacific.
On March 5:

  1. U.S. aircraft bombed Japanese positions at Munda on the island of New Georgia and at Buin on the southeast coast of Bougainville Island.

  2. During the night of March 5‑6, a U.S. task force composed of light surface units bombarded Japanese installations at Vila and at Munda in the central Solomon Islands. Light Japanese surface forces attempted to drive off our bombardment group and two large enemy destroyers were sunk during the engagement. No U.S. vessels were lost.

The successful completion of the convoy mission of a U.S. task force in the South Pacific now makes possible the following announcement:

On February 17, a formation of seven Japanese torpedo planes located and launched an attack against the tack force. Five of the enemy planes were shot down and no damage to U.S. vessels was suffered.

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The Pittsburgh Press (March 6, 1943)

2 destroyers sent down in night battle

Task force shells enemy bases in Solomons; raid on convoy fails
By Sandor S. Klein, United Press staff writer

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