America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Insane patients escape hospital during fire

100 at large after $1,000,000 blaze sweeps asylum in Indiana, killing woman attendant

Waving broom shows sub swept 4-ship Jap convoy

Byrnes to air new crusade on prices, wages

Stabilization chief will broadcast tonight on inflation war

USS The Sullivans to honor 5 naval heroes

Washington (UP) –
The five Sullivan brothers who fought and died together on the cruiser Juneau when it was sunk in the Solomons will fight again.

Their name will be perpetuated in a new destroyer – USS The Sullivans.

President Roosevelt, the Navy revealed today, has approved the unusual name to honor the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Sullivan. The parents, who yesterday visited the Todd shipyards in Brooklyn, are making a national tour of war plants.

Navy expects to right Normandie this year

It was a year ago today that the former luxury liner Normandie, taken over by the Navy as a troop transport and renamed the Lafayette, caught fire and capsized at her Hudson River pier at the foot of W. 47th St.

She is still on her side, although Navy officials said 12 airtight bulkheads were in place. An additional 31-ton bulkhead is needed. Capt. W. A. Sullivan, in charge of salvage operations, said he expected the ship to be righted “sometime this year.” Seventy-five percent of the 100,000 tons of water that flooded the ship have been pumped out and 3,000 tons of metal have been removed.

Tire recapping curbs to be lifted March 1 by OPA

The Pittsburgh Press (February 9, 1943)

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

At the frontline in Tunisia – (Feb. 9)
We drive our jeep in under a tree, camouflaged it by covering it with limbs, and then walked up the side of a hill for about 500 yards. Half a mile to the south of us, the battle for Ousseltia Pass in central Tunisia was going on.

We stopped in what is known as a forward command post, from which a battle is directed. This one consisted of a tent 20 feet square, well hidden under a tree. However, the whole tent had been dropped down and simply lay like a tarpaulin covering the officers’ bedrolls and bags. All the work was being done around two field telephones lying in their leather cases on the ground ten feet from the tent.

The rocky hillside was covered with little bushes and small fir trees. The sun was out and the day was rather warm. There were no papers or desks or anything – just three or four officers standing and sitting on a hillside near two telephones on the ground. One officer had a large map case. That’s all the paraphernalia there was for directing the battle.

Our troops were on top of a ridge about a quarter of a mile above us. The enemy was in the valley beyond, and on a parallel ridge a mile farther on. We could walk up and look over, but we couldn’t see anything. Both sides were well hidden in the brush. Every minute or two our nearby artillery would fire, and then half a minute or so later we could hear faintly the explosion of the shells far away. An officer said:

Nobody’s doing much damage right now, but at least we’re getting in ten shots to their one.

Now and then a louder and much nearer blast interrupted us. When I asked what size gun this was, an officer said it wasn’t a gun – it was enemy mortar shells exploding. I supposed they were three or four miles away, but he said they were falling only 800 yards from us.

Once in a while we could hear machine-gun fire in the distance. A young second lieutenant stood near the phones and did all the talking over them. In fact, he appeared to be making all the decisions. And he impressed me as knowing his business remarkably well.

The highest officer around was a lieutenant colonel, but he seemed to leave everything to his lieutenant, and at every signal of approaching planes, he ran to a nearby foxhole and stayed there till the planes had gone. Other officers commented about him in terms not meant for mixed company, but the young lieutenant said nothing.

The phone rang every few minutes. Other command posts would be calling in to report or to ask instructions. Now and then the chief post, some 15 miles back, would call and ask how things were going. Officers and enlisted men kept appearing from down below or over the hill, asking about things. One sergeant came to inquire where a certain post was, saying he had two jeep tires and a tire for an antitank gun that he was supposed to deliver.

Another sergeant, wearing an overcoat, came up the hill, saluted formally, and reported that a certain battery setup was ready to fire. They told him to go ahead. A phone rang. The captain of an ack-ack battery said the enemy had his range and asked permission to move. He was told to go ahead. All the conversation was informal and unexcited.

A phone rang again. An officer at another command post was asking for a decision on whether to move forward. The young lieutenant, apparently not wishing to give direct orders to a higher officer, solved the problem by putting his words in the form of advice, sprinkling two or three “sirs” in every sentence. I thought he handled it beautifully.

Now and then the lieutenant would phone some other post. All the posts have code terms such as “Hatrack” and “Monsoon” and “Chicago.” I’ve just made those up as examples, since naturally I can’t print the real codenames.

Once the lieutenant phoned to a rear command post and told them to send more trucks to a town where two trucks had been disabled that morning. Several times he phoned other posts to check up on a colonel who was wandering around the battle area in a jeep. You could tell they were very fond of the colonel, and that he apparently paid little attention to danger.

There were no planes in the sky when we arrived, but that morning the Germans had been over and bombed and strafed our troops badly. The command post had called for air support, but somebody at the other end said the planes were busy on other missions and:

You’ll just have to grin and bear it.

The men around our post spoke cynically about that remark all afternoon. They would say:

Grin and bear it, eh? Well, we’ll bear it but we won’t guarantee to grin.

But in the late afternoon, our planes did come. First, we didn’t know they were ours, so we all took to the foxholes. Finally, after they had flown overhead a couple of times without doing anything, somebody yelled:

They’re definitely ours!

So, we came out. The planes circled for about 10 minutes hunting for the correct spot in the bush-covered mountainside. They seemed to take their time at it, to make sure, and then finally they started peeling off one at a time and came diving down at a hillside a mile away.

They’d dive and then wheel back high into the sky and dive against. Apparently, there was no enemy attack, for there were no black puffs around the planes. We could hear their machine guns, and their cannon shells bursting.

They kept on diving and shooting for about 15 minutes. Pretty soon an officer came running up the hill and said:

Do you see that? Those damned Germans are mixed up and strafing hell out of the Italians!

When we told him they were our planes, he said “Oh!” and went back down the hill.

Völkischer Beobachter (February 10, 1943)

USA.-Kapital auf Wanderschaft

dnb. Vigo, 9. Februar –
Eine der interessantesten Begleiterscheinungen des Krieges ist die Massenabwanderung des USA.-Kapitals in die benachbarten Länder. So werden zum Beispiel mexikanische Banken mit Anfragen überschwemmt über Anlagemöglichkeiten nordamerikanischer Kapitalien. Bezeichnend hierfür sei, wie aus Mexiko gemeldet wird, daß kürzlich ein USA.-Multimillionär mit einem Riesenvermögen in Banknoten nach Mexiko gekommen sei. Dieser erklärte der Presse unumwunden, daß er keine Lust verspüre, weiterhin lediglich für Onkel Sam zu arbeiten. Die Steuern seien:

…derart ungeheuerlich, daß irgendwelche Gewinne nicht mehr in Frage kämen.

U.S. Navy Department (February 10, 1943)

Communiqué No. 276

North Pacific.
On February 8, Liberator heavy bombers (Consolidated B-24) and Mitchell medium bombers (North American B-25) dropped bombs on the enemy camp area at Kiska and on installations at North Head. Seven float-type Zeros were observed on the water but no attempt intercept was made. All U.S. planes returned.

South Pacific.
On February 9:

  1. Airacobra fighters (Bell P-39) strafed and sank an enemy barge off Hooper Bay in the northern Russell Islands. A number of floating drums of fuel oil were destroyed in the same vicinity.

  2. During the evening, a force of Marauder medium bombers (Martin B-26), with Airacobra and Lightning (Lockheed P-38) escort, bombed Japanese positions on Kolombangara Island in the New Georgia group. Results were not reported.

  3. During the evening, Dauntless dive bombers (Douglas), with Lightning and Wildcat (Grumman F4F) escort, attacked Japanese positions at Munda on New Georgia Island. A large fire was started.

  4. U.S. ground forces on Guadalcanal Island advanced to positions one-half mile west of the Segilau River in the vicinity of Doma Cove. On the northwest coast of the island, U.S. troops advanced to the northeast as far as Visale. No opposition was encountered. A large amount of enemy equipment was captured.

Brooklyn Eagle (February 10, 1943)

U.S. fliers sink 2 Jap warships, hit six others

Enemy destroyer units balked in 3 forays against Guadalcanal

U.S. will order farm deserters back to plow

Byrnes also reveals plan to furlough Army men at peak of season

WLB grants 4¢ raise to transit men

Washington (UP) –
The War Labor Board today granted a general wage increase of 4¢ an hour for 10,000 employees of the Philadelphia Transportation Company.

The wage award exceeded the 15% increase since Jan. 1, 1941, which could be granted under the Little Steel formula because, the board explained, of the unreasonable difference between wages of the Philadelphia workers and those in comparable cities.

Red Cross ship rescues 14 sailors 11 days adrift

Lisbon, Portugal (UP) –
After 11 days adrift, 14 crewmen of an American merchantman, which was torpedoed in the Atlantic off the Azores, were rescued Monday by a vessel chartered to the International Red Cross and were taken to Horta on Tuesday, the Portuguese Red Cross said today.

Wallace never sausage nerve as Clare’s beef on ‘globaloney’

Washington (UP) –
Vice President Wallace took issue today with Rep. Clare Boothe Luce (R-CT).

Mrs. Luce, in her maiden speech to the House yesterday, said Wallace’s “global thinking is – no matter how you slice it – still globaloney.” Wallace’s proposal for “freedom of the air,” she said, was not likely to prevent another world war.

Wallace, in a statement that did not mention Mrs. Luce by name, said:

I am sure the Republican Party is not against either freedom of the seas or freedom of the air after the war is over. I am also sure that the vast bulk of Republicans do not want to stir up animosity against either our Russian or English allies at the present time. None of us wishes to use those methods of preparation for World War III which will make World War III inevitable.

Mrs. Luce, whose announced intention of making a speech yesterday attracted an unusually large number of House members, said the policy of freedom of the seas had been detrimental to the American Merchant Marine.

She said that when the shooting stops, the British would be prepared to develop international airways, “perhaps with Lend-Lease planes.” All post-war air aims, she continued, are beclouded by Allied ignorance of the wishes of Russia.

30% pay boost seen for many in 48-hour week

Byrnes offers pledge that exorbitant prices will be slashed

Editorial: Weeding out seeds of bigotry from textbooks is timely job

What we recently remarked in commenting upon the coming celebration of Brotherhood Week, in this community and throughout the nation, about the fruitful work of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, in promoting practical cooperation among American citizens of different religious views, is again rendered timely by the latest report made by that group.

It summarizes what has been accomplished, by typically American methods, over a 10-year period during which time Hitlerism was occupying the spotlight on the stage of history, preparing the explosion which is now rocking the world. Quietly, persistently, patiently, and in the true spirit of religious brotherhood, representative American Protestants, Catholics and Jews, clergymen and laymen, educators and theologians, have labored to weed out the seeds of bigotry, and of traditional but unjustifiable religious and racial prejudices and suspicions and errors, from the textbooks used in our public, private and religious schools and colleges.

It is in those schools that the minds of children and youth have either been well-nourished, and fertilized for good, or on the contrary, were biased or misdirected. In the Nazi and fascist and Japanese systems of education, so-called, they were indoctrinated and shaped for the worst possible ends of evil philosophies and creeds. The report should be read and studied widely. It is too voluminous and detailed to be more than briefly dealt with here; but, in general, and to stress the fact that is most important, it shows that through the prolonged labors of all three of the groups cooperating, great progress has been quietly accomplished.

Admittedly, much remains to be done; particularly, it would seem, in regard to anti-Negro bias in some sections of the country; but where a task that once seemed beyond the reach of any agency save drastic legislation – which might readily have provoked more difficulties than already existed – has been so wisely advanced, to such a high degree of success, the future progress of that task may be regarded as assured.

Many of the best-known educational groups have worked with and supplemented this pioneering enterprise of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, such as the National Education Association, the National Catholic Education Association, the American Jewish Committee, and others. In addition to removing, or greatly modifying or interpreting, outright offensive passages, and passages readily misunderstood, or provocative of offense though offense may not have been intended, it is encouraging to learn from the same report of the preparation of new school books placing greater emphasis upon constructive community relationships.

All races, and the chief religious creeds of the Western world, have played a great part in the making of America, and will play an even greater part in our future when brotherhood becomes more and more of a practical reality, rather than an abstract theory to which too many of our people, in the past, rendered lip service only.

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Editorial: Guadalcanal

The Japanese evacuation of Guadalcanal after five months of bitter resistance is a triumph for American arms. It means that the Japs apparently have decided that further efforts to hold this point as a basis from which to harry the American shipping lines to Australia would be too expensive. So, they have swallowed their pride and moved out.

Whether Guadalcanal now will be used as a base from which to pursue the Japs north, island-by-island, is a secret of our strategists. That it will be expanded, at least for use as a base from which to harass Jap centers in those seas, is practically certain.

And certain it is that the name of Guadalcanal will go down in history as the point at which American fighting men first took the offensive in this war, first demonstrated conclusively that they could outfight a foe vastly better trained, nearer his base of supplies and fired with the zeal that comes with success.

The Pittsburgh Press (February 10, 1943)

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

At the frontline in Tunisia – (Feb. 9)
The afternoon sun went over the hill and the evening chill began to come down. We were sitting on a busy hillside – just a small bunch of American officers forming what is called a forward command post.

Officers who had been in the battle for Ousseltia Pass all day started wandering in through the brush on foot, to report. They were dirty and tired but the day had gone well, and they were cheerful in a quiet and unexpressed way.

A Medical Corps major came up the hill and said:

Those blankety-blanks! They’ve knocked out two of my ambulances that were trying to get the wounded back. A hell of a lot a Red Cross means to them!

Nobody said anything. He went back down the hill, as mad as a hornet.

The officers kept talking about three fellow officers who had been killed during the day, and a fourth one who was missing. One of the dead men apparently had been a special favorite. An officer who had been beside him when it happened came up with blood on his clothes. He said:

We hit the ground together. But when I got up, he couldn’t. It took him right in the head. He felt no pain.

An officer told an enlisted man:

Raise up that tent and pack his stuff.

Another one said:

The hell of it is his wife’s due to have a baby anytime now.

Just then a sergeant walked up. He had left the post that morning with the officer who was now missing. They all asked:

Where’s Captain So-and-so?

The sergeant said he didn’t know. Then he said he himself had been captured. “Captured?” the officers asked.

He said:

Yes. The Italians captured me and then turned me loose.

The sergeant was Vernon Gery, 305 West Navarre St., South Bend, Indiana. He is a married man, and was a lawyer before the war. He is a young and husky fellow. He didn’t appear to be very much shaken by his experience, but he said he never was so scared in his life.

Sitting there on the ground he told me his experience. He and the missing captain and a jeep driver had gone forward at 9:30 in the morning to hunt for the body of a popular officer who had been killed. They parked the jeep, and the captain told them to stay there till he returned. They covered the jeep with brush and then hid in the bushes to wait while the captain went on alone. As they were lying there the driver yelled to Sgt. Gery:

Look, they’re retreating!

He saw eight soldiers coming toward them. He thought they were French, but actually they were an Italian patrol. The driver’s shout attracted their attention and they began shooting. The two Americans fired back. The jeep driver was hit and killed instantly. Gery said the driver yelled just once when he was hit. He said:

I’ll be hearing that yell for a long time.

In a moment the Italians had Gery. Apparently, they were on a definite mission, for seven of them went on, leaving one guard to watch Gery. They had taken his rifle, searched him, and given back his identification cards, but they kept his cigarettes, pipe, tobacco, chewing gum, and message book.

I asked:

Did they take your money?

Gery said:

I didn’t have any. I haven’t been paid in three months. I haven’t had a cent in my pocket for weeks.

For an hour the Italian sat 10 feet from Gery with his rifle pointed at him. Gery says the Italian must have been well-acquainted with the American rifle, for he passed the time taking it apart and putting it together, and did it rapidly and correctly. The Italian didn’t try to talk to Gery.

Suddenly our artillery began dropping shells close to where they sat. That was too much for the Italian. He just got up and disappeared into the bushes. And Gery started home.

As Gery finished his story, the commanding colonel came back from his afternoon’s tour. He sat down on the ground, and the officers gathered around to hear his reports and get their instructions for the night. There was still gunfire around. The colonel, a tall, middle-aged man, wore glasses and had a schoolteacherly look. But he cussed a blue streak and made his decisions crisply. You could tell he was loved and respected. He called all his men by their first names. He wore a brown canvas cap, without any insignia at all. Officers at the front tried to look as little like officers as possible, for the enemy liked to pick them off first.

Somebody asked if the colonel would like a cup of tea. He said he would. Somebody yelled, and out of the bushes came a Chinese boy in uniform and helmet, carrying a teapot covered with a rag.

Planes came over again, and several officers ran to foxholes, but the colonel acted as if he didn’t see them. The rest of us stayed and continued the conversation. The officers told him about the three members of his staff who had been killed.

He said:

Christ! Well, we’re in a war. We’ve got to expect it. We must try not to feel too bad about it.

And then he went on:

Here’s the way it is. We are being relieved at 11:30 tonight. Jim, you start taking up your phone wire, but nothing else moves a foot before daylight. Joe, you keep on firing up to leaving time, so they won’t know we are pulling out. We’ve got ‘em on the run, and I wish we could stay, but we’ve got our orders.

Then everybody left to carry out his new duties, and we went back down the hill to our jeep.

That is the way war looks from a forward command post.

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Völkischer Beobachter (February 11, 1943)

„Seeschlacht auf der Höhe der Isabellinsel“ –
Japan versenkte 13 Kriegsschiffe

dnb. Tokio, 10. Februar –
Das Kaiserliche Hauptquartier gibt bekannt, daß die japanische Marine in der Zeit zwischen dem 1. und 7. Februar in den Gewässern südöstlich der Isabellinsel der Salomo n gruppe insgesamt 13 feindliche Schiffe versenkte und 86 Flugzeuge abschoß. Im einzelnen verlor der Feind zwei Kreuzer, wovon einer in wenigen Minuten versenkt wurde, einen Zerstörer und zehn Torpedoboote, außerdem 86 Flugzeuge.

Die japanischen Verluste beliefen sich auf drei Zerstörer, die beschädigt wurden, davon einer schwer, außerdem 12 Flugzeuge, die nicht zurückkehrten. Diese Schlacht wird in Zukunft die Bezeichnung führen: Seeschlacht auf der Höhe der Isabellinsel.

Das Kaiserliche Hauptquartier hatte bekanntlich am 4. Februar bereits ein Zwischenergebnis bekanntgegeben. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt waren ein Kreuzer versenkt, ein Kreuzer schwer beschädigt und 33 Flugzeuge abgeschossen. Der Erfolg unseres japanischen Verbündeten, der dem Sieg bei der Rennellinsel unmittelbar folgte, konnte also noch wesentlich vergrößert werden.

Neue Stellungen auf Neuguinea

Das Kaiserliche Hauptquartier gab die Fertigstellung neuer strategischer Stellungen in der Gegend von Buna auf Neuguinea bekannt. Die auf Guadalcanar befindlichen Streitkräfte wurden abgezogen, nachdem sie ihre Aufgabe erfüllt hatten. Der Feind verlor mehr als 25.000 Tote und Verwundete, 230 Flugzeuge, 30 Geschütze und 25 Panzer.

Opferfreudiges Japan

Vizekriegsminister Kimura im Reichstag erklärte:

Seit Ausbruch des China-Konfliktes sind der japanischen Armee Spenden in Höhe von 215 Mill. Jen zugegangen, 162 Mill. Jen davon allein im vergangenen Jahr. Von diesen Spenden wurden über 1200 Flugzeuge, 260 Tanks und zahlreiche andere schwere Waffen gebaut.

Außerdem seien 90 Mill. Jen für wohltätige und 10 Mill. Jen für wissenschaftliche Zwecke bei der japanischen Armee als Geschenke der Bevölkerung eingegangen.

Militärkredite bewilligt

Das japanische Oberhaus billigte am Mittwoch nach kurzer Beratung einstimmig das zusätzliche außerordentliche Militärbudget in Höhe von 27 Milliarden Jen.

Japanisch-bulgarische Freundschaft

In Anwesenheit des Tenno billigte der Geheime Staatsrat in seiner Sitzung am Mittwoch das Freundschafts- und Kulturabkommen mit Bulgarien.

Zerfallendes Empire –
Australiens Militär unter USA.-Verwaltung

dnb. Stockholm, 10. Februar –
Für den zunehmenden Einfluß, den die USA. sich auch in Australien zu sichern verstanden, spricht eine Meldung des Londoner Nachrichtendienstes. Danach erklärte der Kommandant eines britischen Kriegsschiffes, Kapitän Collins, nach seiner Rückkehr aus Australien, daß die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den USA. und Australien bereits sehr weitgehend ausgebaut worden sei. Die gesamten bewaffneten Streitkräfte des Landes stünden heute schon restlos unter amerikanischem Kommando.

In den Beratungen des Auswärtigen Ausschusses des Washingtoner Kongresses über die Verlängerung des Pacht- und Leihgesetzes, das am 30. Juni 1943 abläuft, trat der Staatskommissar für die USA.-Schiffahrt, Admiral Land, für die weitere Fortführung des Pacht- und Leihgesetzes ein, da die Amerikaner auf die Stellung von britischen Transportschiffen im Rahmen des Pacht- und Leihgesetzes angewiesen seien. Obwohl Admiral Land behauptete, daß die USA.-Handelsflotte vielleicht Mitte des Jahres die englische übertreffen würde, gestand er ein, die meisten amerikanischen Truppenbewegungen über See würden überhaupt nicht möglich sein, wenn den USA. nicht britische Transportschiffe zur Verfügung ständen.

Der „unentbehrliche“ Roosevelt

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

Stockholm, 10. Februar –
Die Opposition im amerikanischen Kongreß hat über den heißen Debatten um das Pacht- und Leihabkommengesetz, die Arbeitskraftfragen und die U-Boot-Diskussionen nicht vergessen, daß im nächsten Jahr ein neuer Präsident für die Vereinigten Staaten gewählt werden muß, und daß Roosevelt schon heute alles tut, um sich auch die vierte Wiederwahl zu sichern. Weite Kreise der Republikanischen Partei klagen dabei, wie der Vertreter von Stockholms Tidningen in Neuyork schreibt, Roosevelt ganz offen an, daß er Regierungsorgane und staatliche Einrichtungen dazu benutze, seine Wahl zu unterstützen.

Empfindlicher Schlag der japanischen Luftwaffe –
Angriff auf USA.-Basen in Tschungking

Eigener Bericht des „Völkischen Beobachters“

rd. Bern, 10. Februar –
Einen großangelegten Überraschungsangriff führte die japanische Luftwaffe gegen zwei neu aufgebaute amerikanische Flugplätze auf tschungking-chinesischem Gebiet durch.

In den Meldungen aus Tschungking sucht man nicht zu verheimlichen, daß die Amerikaner auf ihrem vorgeschobenen Posten unvorbereitet überrumpelt wurden. So wurde der amerikanische Flugplatz von Kweiling in der Südprovinz Kwangsi von 60 bis 70 japanischen Maschinen angegriffen, wobei sich die Japaner nicht darauf beschränkten, Bomben abzuwerfen, sondern auch noch in Tiefflügen die Flugplatzanlagen mit Maschinengewehrfeuer bestrichen. Der zweite japanische Luftangriff richtete sich gegen den amerikanischen Flugplatz bei Kentiang in der Provinz Hunan. Offensichtlich handelt es sich um Flugplatzanlagen, die erst in letzter Zeit für die amerikanische Luftwaffe in Tschungking-China ausgebaut worden waren.

Der japanische Überraschungsangriff ist für Tschungking ein empfindlicher Schlag, da die amerikanische Luftwaffe in Tschungking-China nach wie vor nur mit relativ schwachen Kräften vertreten ist. Die Zahl der Jagd- und Bombenmaschinen wird auf etwa 100 bis 120 geschätzt.

Einen weiteren Angriff richtete die japanische Luftwaffe gegen amerikanische Flugplätze in Ostindien. Gleichzeitig gehen die japanischen Kämpfe in der Provinz Yünnan weiter. Nach Meldungen aus Tschungking haben die Japaner dort Streitkräfte in Stärke von 10.000 bis 15.000 Mann eingesetzt, denen es wohl vor allem darauf ankommen dürfte, einen Ausbau der tschungking-chinesischen Defensivstellungen zu verhindern.

U.S. Navy Department (February 11, 1943)

Communiqué No. 277

North Pacific.
On February 10:

  1. During the morning, U.S. heavy and medium bombers, with fighter escort, bombed Japanese positions at Kiska. Many hits on enemy installations were observed.

  2. A single enemy float-type plane attacked U.S. surface units in the western Aleutians. No damage was suffered.

South Pacific.
Japanese forces on Guadalcanal Island have ceased all organized resistance. Patrol operations against isolated enemy groups continue.

During the night of February 9-10, a Catalina patrol bomber (Consolidated PBY) attacked enemy positions at Munda.

On February 10:

  1. U.S. planes attacked enemy positions at Munda. Results were not reported.

  2. A reconnaissance plane from Guadalcanal shot down a twin-engine Japanese bomber over Choiseul Island.