America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

On the home front –
Wife of enlisted Army man wants to do her bit also

She can qualify as hostess, but such openings are rare – two children no handicap to her serving country

The Pittsburgh Press (March 29, 1942)

U.S. to delay trust action in arms cases

Administration reverses policy in deferring prosecutions

Draft to send men away on day of test

’Kiss everybody goodbye only to be rejected’ method revived

’Not proper at this time’ –
$1-a-day pay hike waived by union

’We want to do our part as any other soldier,’ business agent says in explaining why Masons reject arbitration board recommendations

War fund bill voted, arms profits curbed

Washington, March 28 (UP) –
A new $18,301,961,345 war fund bill, earmarking money for 31,070 more Army planes and other equipment for the fighting forces, was passed by the House late today and sent to the Senate.

Just before passage, the House, without debate, adopted an amendment to limit profits on construction and procurement under funds in this bill to 6%.

Huge battle rages in key Burma town

Chinese fight to prevent Jap attempt to split Allied defenses
By John R. Morris, United Press staff writer

Commandos strike –
Old destroyer rams big dock

Biggest raid yet staged at St. Nazaire base
By Edward W. Beattie, United Press staff writer

Hatch Act powerless here –
John Public foots the bill as candidates’ pay goes on

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

McKeesport tenders its last respects to Private Flegal, first war victim

Thousands stand silent on streets as funeral procession for one of first enlistees moves by

Allies salvage raw materials from Far East

But big shortages in vital war necessities are predicted

Men’s suits, minus cuffs, will be better than ever

War restrictions called blessing in disguise by experts

100,000 Californians form 'farmers army’

Fill coal bins now, Ickes asks everyone

FBI, police renew raids in California

Admiral ends life

Denver, March 28 –
Rear Admiral John R. Y. Blakely, 69, jumped to his death today from a fifth floor window of the Fitzsimmons General Hospital. Army officials are investigating the cause of the suicide. Admiral Blakely was commander of the battleship Arizona – which was sunk at Pearl Harbor last Dec. 7 – from 1922 to 1924. He was born in Philadelphia.

62 seized in raid; spy ring clue seen

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All you have to do is ask –
Colleges want to keep NYA (pay good – no red tape)

Kentucky teachers’ school head indignant about offer of Arkansas students to give back funds; CCC boys may become military guards
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Aussies occupy positions beside American soldiers

Jap attacks, counterblows increase on northern approaches to continent down under
By Brydon Taves, United Press staff writer

’Critical months ahead’ –
King pledges aid to Empire

Greater efforts by Britons urged by George VI

Last message from Java intercepted by freighter

Heroic Malayan youth sticks to post until end as Japs pile into barges from transports off shore of Indies island