America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Senate group will extend cartel probe

Nazi trust’s tie-up with U.S. industry widespread, Arnold warns

Signed by Roosevelt –
Raid insurance bill approved

Uniform rates will be set for country

Razor blade shortage rumors denied by WPB

OPA promises action on pork price gouging

British oppose de Gaulle act

Seized Vichy official moved to London in secret

U.S. intensifies hunt for subs

Unified command patrol already in operation

Japanese seen preparing for Siberian drive

Savage plane offensive in northwest China hailed as initial move
By Robert P. Martin, United Press staff writer

Wealthy Jap bondholder under arrest in Seattle

Marine buried with honors

McKeesport pays tribute to World War II victim

Orchestra leader Rogers will train naval fliers

Hollywood, March 28 (UP) –
Charles “Buddy” Rogers, 37, film actor and orchestra leader, was accepted by the Navy today as a volunteer flying instructor.

Mr. Rogers, whose wife is Mary Pickford, will go to Pensacola for a refresher course, then be assigned to a flight training center.

His interest in flying dates back to his role in the picture Wings several years ago. He has 450 hours flying time, 150 more than the Navy minimum for volunteer classification.

Standard Oil president defends agreement

60,000 airplane goal predicted by fall

U.S. flier decorated

London, March 28 –
Flying Officer Arthur Gerald Donahue of the RAF, of North Robbinsdale, Minn., has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for action against the Japs in the Singapore area, where he was credited with bringing down several enemy planes, the Air Ministry announced today.

Two alleged seditionists face federal prosecution

U.S. declares one wants all politicians hanged, says other calls Army officers 'suckers’

Roosevelt lease 7-room apartment

Ickes’ office loses entire Department

Report says U.S. fleet sinks six Jap warships

U.S. conciliation asked in phone controversy

GOP for national unity, executive director says

62 seized in German home