House passes bill fixing war powers
Exempts draft officials from Hatch Act
Washington, Feb, 28 (UP) –
The House today tentatively adopted, by voice vote, an amendment to the Second War Powers Bill which would exempt members of local draft boards from provisions of the Hatch “Clean Politics” Act.
The amendment was offered by Rep. James W. Wadsworth (r-NY), a co-sponsor of the Selective Service Act, He asserted that draft board members were not jobholders in the ordinary political sense.
Members of the board serve without compensation, he pointed out, and are appointed on recommendation of local sponsors by the government of their state, with the approval of the President.
Communities watch the draft boards with a “lynx eye,” he said, adding that he could not conceive of political activity in the selection of soldiers.
The House also tentatively wrote into the War Powers Bill an amendment providing that compensation paid to an owner of plant machinery seized by the government shall be based on the damage done to the business as a whole.
The amendment, approved by a teller vote of 91–77, was offered by Rep. Clarence E. Hancock (R-NY). It stipulates that compensation must amount to at least the difference between the value of the plant as a while before and after the machinery was removed.