America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

U.S. is realizing Japan’s strength, Australians find

America planning to act accordingly, resulting in shortening of estimates on length of struggles in Pacific
By George Weller

Nurse wounded on Bataan returns to Pacific duty

Bomber survivors elude Japs in 3-month journey

2 Navy men escape headhunters during voyage in small boats from Dutch East Indies
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Federal experts minimize value of NYA training

Veteran government apprenticeship chief testifies bureau doesn’t turn out first-class mechanics, most of skill must be achieved on job
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gestapo plot to ‘use’ Lewis, Bridges cited

Heydrich told alleged spy to seek help of labor chiefs, U.S. charges

More Latin ‘Axis’ firms put on U.S. blacklist

Bridges free on bail, goes to Washington

To confer with WPB head and executive council of CIO

Local brokers will handle war damage insurance

Avenge Pearl Harbor recruits to be sworn

Women’s Army officer posts sought by 1,400

Application deadline will be tomorrow

That Jap jeer

Equal rights

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Commando leader visits Washington

Women’s Army volunteers will need sense of humor

’Taking razzing’ may be one of the hardest jobs because the idea is still very new
By Ruth Millett

U.S. Catholic press circulation increases

War expenditures in May soar to $3 billion

3.5 million more workers needed by U.S.

Women, older children may fill coming manpower crisis

Völkischer Beobachter (June 4, 1942)

Auf der Such nach „Produktionsstrategen" –
Auss chüsse gegen U-Boot-Erfolge

Benzinrationierung in ganz USA.

Das wird Tschiangkaischek freuen

Tschungkings Lage hoffnungslos –
Neue japanische Offensive in Zentralchina