Graham McNamee, radio announcing pioneer, dies at 53
Two-week illness fatal in New York hospital
Price ceiling plan starts at midnight
Manufacturers, wholesalers first, retailers next week
By L. W. Shellenberger, United Press staff writer
Nighties, slips to lose frills under WPB rule
They’ll also lose all 'excess yardage’
Union leaders get reprimand
WLB head hits strike at Williamsport plant
Roosevelt asks Americans to honor Allies on Flag Day
Proclamation urges display of banners of 'the massed, angered forces of common humanity’
Here’s ‘blow-by-blow’ account of Pacific War
U.S. loses 37 naval craft against 243 enemy warships blasted
By the United Press
Jap envoy sees Pope
Berlin, Germany – (May 9, German broadcast heard in New York)
Ken Harada, first Japanese representative at the Vatican, today presented his credentials and was received by Pope Pius XII, a dispatch from Rome reported. Later, the Pope and the ambassador conversed privately for 15 minutes.
Chinese Army on outskirts of Mandalay
British escape threat of trap; Japs ambushed pushing into China
Another Pearl Harbor?
Japs may shift offensive to Siberia within 30 days
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor
Capital wives score housing in Washington
Urge dormitories be built for girls employed by government
On the home front –
Experienced coal miners eligible for deferments
Men in 62 ‘critical’ occupations, who can’t be replaced with resulting loss of effectiveness to firm, will be put in 2-A, Hershey asserts
Easy-going Nimitz carries big grudge against Japanese
Commander of U.S. Pacific Fleet is ‘cheerful man of confident tomorrows;’ son is in thick of things with him in Pacific Southwest
By Tom Wolf, special to the Pittsburgh Press