America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

On the home front –
Recruiting stations offer enlistment query answers

They want interested men to drop in for personal talks, without obligation to sign up; service offices are in Old Post Office Bldg.

Background of news –
Allies become enemies

By editorial research reports

78-day record set on Liberty ship

Braddock man decorated for Pearl Harbor heroism

Jap planes repeat Indian port bombing

Experts urge tax plan cuts

$2-billion slash in Morgenthau setup proposed

Sugar signup reveals 6 million 'hoarders’

Destroyer is launched at San Francisco yards

San Francisco, California (UP) –
The USS Gillespie, a destroyer named after the military commander of Los Angeles during the Mexican War, was launched yesterday at the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Yards.

Mrs. Hugo Osterhaus, wife of RAdm. Osterhaus, commander of the Patrol Force of the 12th Naval District, sponsored the vessel. The destroyer was named for Maj. Archibald Gillespie, USMC.

Mother’s Day wires from AEF jam U.S. cables

Some units abroad send recordings home to families

WLB demands walkout halt

Asks Williamsport union to allow mediation

Secret of Corregidor’s stout defense: 15 miles of well-equipped tunnels

By Frank Hewlett, United Press staff writer

Weekly banned from U.S. mail

Biddle asserts publication is seditious

Outwitting Axis –
America sends group to seek African metal

Mission to study ways to get raw materials via Indian Ocean

Wake Island’s realistic

Actors portraying Marines living their roles

The Pittsburgh Press (May 10, 1942)

Great Coral Sea battle resumed, London hears

By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

No carrier, battleship sunk by foe

178 Jap ships sent to bottom or damaged to date by Navy

Quota on coast 3 gallons

Two-thirds of drivers will get the minimum

Willkie’s nephew enlists

U.S. demands given French in Martinique

Guarantees sought that Vichy colonies won’t menace America

Even fire fails to knock U.S. cruiser out of battle

Pittsburgh officer returns from Marblehead to tell of extreme heroism of crew
By Edward J. Lally