America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Test of power confronts WLB

Steel firm to fight union membership ruling

New streetlights halted

WPB permits only ‘safety’ installations

Monster tanks to be produced in U.S. shortly

60-ton models will soon roll from Baldwin’s assembly lines

Flynn whitewashed, Citizen Union says

Church men hit school bus act

Oppose allowing parochial pupils to ride

Posse puts 100 slugs into outlaw killer

Tax exemption cut requested by Morgenthau

$3 billion more asked in income and special security levies

Telegraph merger fought by unions

Saroyan walks out on job after fight with studio

Aliens from Éire, Albania may dodge U.S. draft

Taking the nation’s pulse –
Conversion to war output changes Kalamazoo rapidly

By Thomas L. Stokes, Scripps-Howard staff writer

On the home front –
Commissions in Air Corps now available to doctors

Initial pay ranges up to $263; qualified physicians, surgeons, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists can become Medical Corps officers

Non-union men work on strike-bound port

Noted pitcher’s son overcomes leg handicap

Christy Mathewson Jr. wins Air Corps captaincy

Bombing plane crew wins decorations

Simms says –
Corregidor’s value to Japs largely local

Fort’s fall won’t affect Pacific, Far East war, experts agree
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Philippine toll for Japs heavy

Incomplete figures list 20 ships, 194 aircraft

Be patient, friends of prisoners told

GM to comply with U.S. order on double pay

CIO members in 94 plants will benefit by WLB Sunday ruling

Next Colombian head may visit U.S. soon