America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Woman earning $22,500 draws $7,500 U.S. pay

House studies private incomes of officials

Red Cross gets nugget

Destroyer’s 4-inch gun sinks U-boat in Atlantic

Norwegian freighter sunk off East Coast


Army may rescue Rigney from Sox

Analysts see end of bear market in few months

Banks urged to promote sales of war bonds

U.S. War Department (May 7, 1942)

General MacArthur’s Headquarters No. 16

U.S. Navy Department (May 7, 1942)

Navy Communiqué No. 77

Southwest Pacific.
Very excellent news has been received. A naval engagement between U.S. and Japanese forces on May 4 resulted in the following damage to the enemy:

a) One light cruiser, two destroyers, four gunboats, and one supply vessel were sunk.

b) One 9,000-ton seaplane tender, one light cruiser, one cargo vessel, and one transport were badly damaged.

c) Six planes were destroyed.

This highly successful action took place in the vicinity of the Solomon Islands and was accomplished with the loss of but three planes.

Far East.
U.S. submarines on patrol in the Far East have sunk the following enemy vessels: One medium-sized cargo ship, one medium-sized tanker, and one small cargo ship.

The above actions have not been announced in any previous Navy Department communiqué.

There is nothing to report from other areas.

The Pittsburgh Press (May 7, 1942)

U.S. drafts curbs on travel
Average driver to get meager gas allowance

Weekly quota set at 2-6 gallons; vacation trips threatened by slash

Corregidor’s heroes never got a break

Attempt to land supplies failed; thirst and moon aided Japs
By Frank Hewlett, United Press staff writer

Peruvian pact signed

Arrival of AEF in Africa reported

Army commissions Sgt. York as major

Nazis claim 22 new Atlantic sinkings

’Extra’ auto tires to be bought by U.S.

Radio chains ask FCC curb

Industry seeks only technical regulation

Peru head arrives for American visit

Appropriations face checkmate –
Defeat threatens plan to keep NYA, CCC

By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Mexico-U.S. alliance is described 'closest’