America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

U.S. buys rubber

Washington, May 4 –
The U.S. Rubber Reserve Co. has made an agreement with Nicaragua to purchase all exportable rubber produced up to and including 1946, Secretary of Commerce Jesse Jones announced today.

Home front enrolls for sugar books

Housewives lead parade in first U.S. Dole registration

House speeds action to curb high incomes

Committee increases surtax on small firms from 6% to 10%

Kearny performed miracle in reaching port unaided

Destroyer now back in action – bulkhead saved warship although hole was below waterline
By James Kinsella, United Press staff writer

Four ships hit ways in four

Destroyer launchings set new world record

Four Midwestern heroes restore Corregidor’s flag

Prado leaves for Panama

Talara, Peru, May 4 –
President Manuel Prado of Peru left for Panama today on the second leg of his trip to Washington where he will be an official guest of President Roosevelt.

Dr. Wassell’s gallantry wins him Navy Cross

House nears action on Army pay raise

Vatican charters ships

Price control in Canada ready for severest test

Coming shortages of consumer goods will prove worth of experiment copied by U.S.
By John W. Love, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Damage listed after storms

83 lose lives in week of winds, floods
By the United Press

Eastman made czar of autos, trucks, buses

Presidential order gives him power over all vehicles on tires

Price control subsidies forecast by OPA official

Norse flier routs Nazi in battle over Iceland

Further curtailment ordered in liquors

Former Berlin editor, wife commit suicide

Dies charges Axis attempt to kidnap son

Plans to continue inquiry into spy system on West Coast

2 Senators urge Army of Jews in Palestine

On the home front –
Key war jobs not vital for 3-B draft deferment

Employment in defense plant or activity supporting national effort, plus dependency provides basis for classification