Navy awards heroic doctor
Officer gets medal for exploit in Java
By George Weller
U.S. War Department (May 4, 1942)
U.S. Navy Department (May 4, 1942)
Far East.
As a result of enemy bombing attacks during the past few days, the USS Mindanao, a river gunboat, has been sunk in the vicinity of Corregidor.
There were no casualties to personnel.
There is nothing to report from other areas.
The Pittsburgh Press (May 4, 1942)
Acts on complaint by Chamber of Commerce that district swimsin surplus oil
Japs within 15 miles of China’s back door; U.S. raids two bases
By Robert P. Martin, United Press staff writer
Johnstown ace, ‘guest pilot’ in New Guinea raid, calls action ‘best dogfight I ever saw,’ modestly declares, 'I got several’
By Harold Guard, United Press staff writer