America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Quick Senate action on federal jobless pay urged by Kilgore

District act suggested as U.S. employees’ guide to uniform payments
By J. A. O’Leary

House group unable to publish report on Gen. Roosevelt loans

Doughton informs him law imposes secrecy on tax return data

U.S. begins evacuation of 300 ‘lost’ survivors of USS Houston

Found in Thailand Jap prison camps by underground men

First 1946 auto strike hits Ford Rouge plant

Wainwright comrades tell how Reds freed them from Japanese

Two-deck submarine among 3 surrendered by Japs to Yanks

Yokosuka wreckage like Pearl Harbor, Navy officer says

By Al Dopking, Associated Press staff correspondent

Suicide planes failed in 2 attacks against battleship USS Missouri

Boyington, Marine ace missing 20 months, is reported alive

Japanese ship pilot or U.S. flier believed source of story

Nation does not fear Yank mistreatment, Jap officer says

By Hal Boyle, Associated Press staff correspondent

Nimitz: Allies ‘unprepared’ for Jap surrender

Pope sees Jackson and Congress group

Editorial: ‘The Mighty Mo’

Editorial: Demobilizing the Navy

Editorial: Road’s end for the ‘Tiger’

Eliot: Congress and the draft

By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

Lawrence: Recall of ambassador empty gesture

Britain not following U.S. lead in Argentina
By David Lawrence

Surrender of 2,400 Japs on Mili Atoll completed

Sergeant killed in Europe awarded Medal of Honor

By the Associated Press

The Congressional Medal of Honor has been posthumously awarded to Staff Sgt. Andrew Miller of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, who was killed in action last November 19 near Hemmersdorf, Germany.

Maj. Gen. Harry Twaddle, commander of the 95th Infantry Division, now stationed at Camp Shelby, Mississippi, will present the award to Mrs. Mamye Miller, widow of the sergeant, at Camp Shelby September 7.

Sgt. Miller was cited for heroic action on numerous occasions during the 377th Infantry Regiment’s advance for Woippy, France, to Hemmersdorf. Single-handedly he captured several enemy gun emplacements, and entered buildings alone to rout the defenders. He was killed as he was leading his men up a fortified hill.

8,000 Japs give up to colored troops in Morotai, Halmahera

Nats find A’s tough, but are sure of winning mark on trip

Using Leonard, Wolff in effort to sweep twin bill tonight
By John B. Keller, Star staff correspondent

3,860 veterans land in U.S. as vanguard of 10,000 due today

U.S. pilots at Atsugi ‘agreeable,’ Domei says

All American forces to quit Brazil soon

Siamese twins must live or die unseparated