America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Oliver Morosco, noted producer, killed by Hollywood streetcar

25 hurt in train crash south of Aberdeen, North Carolina

Pacific storm expected to hit Shikoku today

110-mile hurricane to hit Texas today

Guenther, Jew baiter, found, commits suicide

Stettinius and Hillman sail for England today

Spruance favors cut in Navy, doubts need of bases in China

By W. H. Shippen Jr., Star war correspondent

4,696 men scheduled to arrive in New York today aboard 6 ships

Army to begin flying troops from ports to discharge centers

Chennault back from China; plans report on resignation

Jap groups commit hara-kiri in front of Imperial Palace

Perry’s flag sent to Halsey for use in Jap surrender

Truman and de Gaulle issue statement citing unity on post-war aims

Vandenberg supports end of Lease-Lend, atomic bomb secrecy

By Gould Lincoln

British financiers, like public, baffled by end of Lease-Lend

Belgium reports U.S. owes her $120,000,000

Three Doolittle fliers describe details of 3-year confinement

Polish leaders agree election is unlikely till spring of 1946

By Daniel De Luce, Associated Press foreign correspondent

Bulgaria postpones general elections scheduled for today

Navy tells how sub sank 45,000-ton Jap battleship off Formosa

War cost U.S. 52 subs but undersea fleet got 1,187 enemy ships

Physicist likens atom test to colorful oil fire 3 miles wide

Atom power promises to bring many benefits when controlled

By Howard W. Blakeslee, Associated Press science editor

U.S. prepares to seize Jap merchant ships

Counsellor to woman veterans says aid on clothes is needed

Lt. Col. Mary Brown, however, will study more serious problems
By Miriam Ottenberg

First D.C. ‘public’ stenographer is eager-eyed and alert at 84

By Jessie Fant Evans

Army captain gets five-year sentence for slaying private

Byron Price praises press, radio for keeping war secrets

By Byron Price, Director of Censorship

Airborne Yanks land at Berlin ceremonies

BERLIN, Germany (Aug. 25) – American glidermen and parachute troops, many of them veterans of battle jumps, dropped on Tempelhof Airport today in a winged pageant accompanying the award of decorations for valor to members of the 82nd Airborne Division.