America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Truman and Byrnes reaffirm attitude on free press for world

USS Wasp, hit by Jap bomb after Franklin attack, listed 388 casualties

Publishers oppose cut in paper plants

Gallagher and Morin head AP bureaus

4-power agreement reached on Tangier

Newsmen held by MPs after interview with Pacific-bound troops

Red airborne units push southward after landing in Kurils

Charter ratification by Britain held near as debate is resumed

American 5 freedoms for world air routes believed abandoned

Jap Red Cross to aid in evacuation of 7 war prisoner camps

Priority of food ration cards in reverse in Czechoslovakia

By Thomas R. Henry, Star staff correspondent

Earth safe from destruction in explosion of atom bombs

By Howard W. Blakeslee, Associated Press science editor

Shortage of clothing to end in 2 months, officials predict

Editorial: Borrowing from experience

Editorial: Our economic position

Editorial: How it happened in 1905

Editorial: Repeal of War Time

Lawrence: Beaten Jap Navy held world’s second best

Quotes expert as saying British lacked air support
By David Lawrence

This changing world –
China situation

By Constantine Brown

Molay: Industrialists not in power

By Raymond Molay

‘On the other hand’

Secretary of State’s stern statement to Bulgaria raises certain questions
By Lowell Mellett

Gen. Simpson given his second DSM at Pentagon ceremony

Griffs, triumphant in West, return East half-game behind

Meet aroused Yanks; take six of seven tilts with Tribe

Air Forces plan to cut strength by 1,400,000 men during next year