America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Österreich soll keine Reparationen zahlen

Angehörige des US-Frauenkorps in Salzburg

L’Aube (August 23, 1945)

« Amérique, merci! » s’est écrié de Gaulle

après qu’il eut atterri à Washington hier soir, a 22 h. 18 (heure française)

Les Balkans libérés ne sont pas libres –
Le Foreign Office blâme l’attitude antidémocratique du gouvernement bulgare

Tandis que la radio nippone traduit « capitulation » par « trêve »…
MacArthur est attendu mardi à Tokio

« L’explosion ‘atomique’ s’étendait sur un rayon de quinze kilomètres »

…déclare un expert japonais

U.S. State Department (August 23, 1945)

740.00116 PW/8-1645: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom

Washington, August 23, 1945 — 1 p.m.

Urtels 8298, August 16, and 8279 and 8280 of August 15. For Hodgson. List of major Japanese war criminals now in preparation for State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee for inclusion as annex to the directive on war criminals to be issued to MacArthur. This list will be limited to individuals whose offenses are described in Category A, Article 6 of Charter of International Military Tribunal. List will be sent for your information as soon as available.


740.00119 PW/6-2845

The Secretary of State to the British Chargé

Washington, August 23, 1945

The Secretary of State presents his compliments to the British Chargé d’Affaires ad interim and refers to the Embassy’s note dated June 28, 1945 enclosing a copy of a note dated May 15, 1945 from the Royal Norwegian Government on the subject of Norway’s claims for reparation by Japan, and requesting the views of this Government as to what answer to the Norwegian note would now be appropriate.

This Government considers that it would be inappropriate at this time and in view of all circumstances to make any commitment to the Norwegian Government beyond assurances already given that account would be taken of the claims of that Government against Japan when claims of the United Nations came to be assessed.

While it is currently impossible to foresee the basis on which claims for loss suffered by United Nations in the war against Japan will be compensated, experience thus far in dealing with reparations to be paid by Germany suggests the complications that will arise in this connection. The United States Government is of the opinion, therefore, that it would be undesirable to make an additional commitment in this regard pending further clarification of procedure to be followed with respect to claims of United Nations against Germany. This Government is, moreover, not prepared to say at this time whether it will be possible to make such a commitment to the Norwegian Government in the future.

The Evening Star (August 23, 1945)

Gen. MacArthur to land Tuesday south of Tokyo

Details disclosed for surrender ceremony on USS Missouri August 31

Attlee: British to rule in Hong Kong

Plans, ‘fully prepared,’ clash with previous statement of Chinese

De Gaulle plea to Truman on Indochina seen

General expected to ask U.S. aid to regain colony
By Joseph H. Baird

Northern Luzon Japs defy commander and yield to 25 Yanks

Negotiations reported proceeding on islands of Mindanao and Cebu

Chinese Communists step up campaign for major cities

Street fighting in Tientsin reported by Red newspaper

28 heroes, 2 in wheelchairs, get Medal of Honor from Truman

President calls group ‘cross-section of U.S.;’ ceremony moved to East Room due to weather
By J. A. Fox

Raids on Japan killed 260,000; 9,200,000 homeless, foe says

Japs ask safety pledge for plane bearing prince

Anderson endorses full employment bill as aid to farmers

Sees crop production exceeding demands even without idleness
By J. A. O’Leary

Ickes now estimates coal for Europe at 8 million tons

Output to be imperiled if miners seek 5-day week, Secretary warns

Restoration of Ward’s and other properties to owners due soon

Truman will issue order affecting nearly all of those seized by U.S.
By James Y. Newton

President visits Capitol; lunches with senators

Japanese Parliament to convene September 2

FBI exposes $100,000 racket in meals on railroad diners

Izvestia censures critics of Balkans, attacks Greek plans