America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Russian Army begins establishing regimes in Manchurian areas

Overseas shipment of men with 75 or more points banned

Army private handed for murder; denies guilt on gallows

Army paper says La Guardia may be envoy to Italy

Brownell accuses Democrats of using veterans politically

By Gould Lincoln

Pearl Harbor report to remain secret until final surrender

Doolittle asks details on rescued fliers

Queen Mary returns with 30th Division’s heroes of the Bulge

Bus service is resumed to 7 Detroit suburbs

6 women attacked in riots, San Francisco jury told

Bong’s death leaves McCampbell as ace among fighter pilots

By Fred Hampson, Associated Press war correspondent

UNRRA council votes full aid for Italy as liberated area

65 legless veterans form organization

Editorial: All over but the shooting

Editorial: Prepared for trouble

Editorial: The end of Lease-Lend

Editorial: A force for peace

Lawrence: Fears State Department partisanship

Warns of demagoguery in handling of foreign policy
By David Lawrence

Eliot: Root of Japanese delay

By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

How can we find security on a powder keg?

By Dorothy Thompson

Daladier: Roosevelt refused French debt payment in 1938

20 servicemen hurt in Santa Fe Limited crash in Arizona

Truman and Tugwell confer on Puerto Rico