America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Britain backs U.S. in opposing coming Bulgarian election

Even stronger stand than that of Byrnes taken in note forcing clear-cut issue of western democracy vs. Soviet practices

Japs learn bitter facts of defeat

Nipponese hopeful ex-soldiers may be spared forced labor
By the Associated Press

Man never tackled tougher task than isolating uranium 235

Rare atoms that are source of fuel for atomic bomb are found locked in more common 238 form of element
By Howard W. Blakeslee, Associated Press science editor

Childs: Inflation, unemployment follow in wake of victory

By Marquis Childs

Statesmen abandon freedom of information

By Sumner Welles, former Under Secretary of State

Eliot: Terrible dangers face this victorious nation

By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

Garson gets drunk – on the screen

It’s all done with lukewarm tea for the movie cameras
By Virginia MacPherson, United Press Hollywood correspondent

The Evening Star (August 22, 1945)

Surrender to be signed August 31 in Tokyo area, MacArthur says

General confirms he will land in Japan Tuesday

Atomic casualties put at 480,000

At least 200,000 homeless included in enemy figures

Plane flies to get Wainwright as Soviets cut Japs’ red tape

Hero expected be speeded to Chungking; Russians also oust Japs guarding Parker

De Gaulle due here at 4 p.m. to see Truman

French leader hope to solve some of nation’s problems
By Joseph H. Baird

Air transport fleet massed at Okinawa to occupy Japan

Greatest aggregation of such planes covers two square miles at airport

Henry Pu-Yi, puppet emperor of China, captured by Soviets

‘Last of Manchus’ held as internee and treated well

Government controls on private building may be ended soon

$4½ billion industrial construction approved; nylon hose to return
By Malcolm Lamborne Jr.

Allied fliers land amid Japs, are wined, cursed, given gas

Reds hit Allied plans for Greek elections

Nats leading Indians, 1-0, at end of sixth; Myatt socks homer

Wind up western swing with double bill today with 11 wins, 9 defeats
By John B. Keller, Star staff correspondent

Sugar rationing due to continue into 1946, food chiefs declare

Philippines can’t help until 1947, Senate committee is told

Sir Ronald Lindsay, former British Ambassador here, dies

Diplomat served in Washington 9 years, leaving in 1939

Formal Jap surrender to Chinese will be signed at Nanking