America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Simms: Atomic bombs mean peace or extinction

Big job is created for world diplomats
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Editorial: The atomic bomb – and after

Editorial: 1942 – Guadalcanal – 1945

Editorial: Keep silent and suffer

Editorial: --goes marching on

Edson: Rumor-spreading about manpower is bad business

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Glimpse of England

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Ratifying the Charter

By Bertram Benedict

Sen. Johnson’s funeral delayed

And the atomic bomb was born –
Higgins who made parts now knows why he did it

Boss, employees engaged in dangerous work, were ‘in dark’ as to what they were making

20 atomic bombs could raze Philly

Europe after the war –
Brave Brenner Pass fliers saluted by press writer

Touring press writer scared stiff in Alps as hail storm, not flack, pelts plane
By Henry Ward

Chinese seize Yank air base in Kwangtung

Allies gaining in drive on Canton

‘Pipe dreams’ will become a reality

Continuing research termed necessity
By David Dietz, Scripps-Howard science editor

Half million in Tennessee kept war’s greatest secret

Oak Ridge residents knew something big was cooking but boom town kept quiet

Bomb boosts power of B-29 3,000 times

Explosive atomic matter believed tiny

Atomic bomb new, but idea is old

Once only molecules but now atoms split
By Dr. Frank Thone, Science Service staff writer

Atom splitting forms basis of the science of electronics

Booklet describes it for the laymen

Only Japan feels ‘atomic dent’

Nazis five months from completion of atomic bomb

Atomic experts sworn to secrecy

Bomb workers still needed