America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

L’Armée Rouge occupe Kharbin

M. Truman expose le plan de « reconversion » économique

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (August 21, 1945)

Lawrence: Japs not ‘stalling’ on matter of surrender

By David Lawrence

Allies face dilemma in dealing with China

By Dorothy Thompson

Eliot: Japanese must realize why they lost war

By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

Childs: General de Gaulle to come on a ‘goodwill’ visit

By Marquis Childs

Atomic over fires produce no flames and make no smoke

Output is plutonium, chemical element nonexistent on earth before war, not known in stars
By Howard W. Blakeslee, Associated Press science editor

The Pittsburgh Press (August 21, 1945)

Long-missing home items coming back

Agency authorizes unlimited output

Only 55 Jap warships left

Many of vessels still afloat badly damaged by Allied assaults

U.S. occupation starts Sunday, Japs report

Airborne troops to lead, enemy says

4 Doolittle fliers saved in China

U.S. rescue teams meet difficulties

27,585 steel workers idle –
Women on way out of district industries; 4,000 already jobless

CIO survey finds little prospect that many female workers ever will regain employment

Lend-Lease flow halted by U.S.

Program cost us $39 billion

Japs report –
Only rubble left in atomized city

Houses 10 miles from Nagasaki crushed

Reds in Manchuria as ‘liberators’

Troops told to treat country with respect

Rationing of tires expected to end by first of year

Government experts believe synthetic products will be on market permanently

Shoe’s on the other foot; WAC wants to fraternize

G.I.’s scold sergeant for letter asking about association with German men

‘Richest Indian’s’ mansion sold

The mongrels and the pedigrees

By Florence Fisher Parry

In spite of protests –
Army to send European vets to Pacific

Says MacArthur asked for them
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent