America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Champion comments –
Williams: Louis respects Conn as foe for title bout

By Joe Williams

49 WACs in Italy win decoration

Wild talk on radio scored

Network chief sounds warning
By Si Steinhauser

Credit curbs face partial revocation

U.S. may drop charge account control

Japan’s industrial trusts doomed

By the United Press

Kaiser wants war plants kept open

The Syonan Shimbun (August 21, 1945)

Nippon’s acceptance of Potsdam Declaration: Cabinet statement

Nippon Army ceased fire in strict obedience to TENNO HEIKA’S order

Imperial Rescript granted Nippon Army, Navy forces

Prince Higashikuni forms Cabinet

Editorial: The war ends

Tokyo’s confidence

TOKYO (Aug. 15) – Reflecting firm confidence in Nippon’s future, the Tokyo Stock Exchange today manifested a steady tone, despite the news that the Nippon government had accepted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration. Virtually no change was witnessed, with all major stocks firmly maintaining their levels.

Reconstruction starts

TOKYO (Aug. 17) – The Ministry of Transport today announced establishment of a Transport Reconstruction Headquarters in the Ministry on August 15 with the object of taking emergency steps to meet all important transport problems to stabilize and maintain the postwar livelihood of the nation.

Premier Suzuki outlines events leading to cessation of fighting

People’s solemn task lies in the future

Salzburger Nachrichten (August 21, 1945)

MacArthur begibt sich nach Tokio

Japan innerhalb von zehn Tagen von den alliierten Truppen besetzt

‚Die Opfer sollen nicht umsonst gebracht sein‘

Die Gäste General Clarks

L’Aube (August 21, 1945)

La reddition du Japon sera signée à Tokio

MacArthur est prêt à s’y rendre accompagné des forces de débarquement

Le général de Gaulle et Georges Bidault sont partis cette nuit pour les États-Unis

Un conseil des ministres extraordinaire avait examiné les questions qui seront traitées à Washington

M. Pineau est de retour à Paris –
« L’Amérique vient au secours de la France » déclare le ministre du Ravitaillement

Les « zones de reddition » en Indochine