America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Army blames pilot in Empire crash


Army hopes to bring overseas dead back soon

Polls kin to determine their wishes; few to remain buried in Europe
By Earl Richert, Scripps-Howard staff writer


Truman to lead nation in prayer


Editorial: Is Hirohito stalling?


Editorial: Unfinished business


Editorial: β€˜Bataan’ is the word


Larsen: Government not ready for peace when it came

By Douglas Larsen


Ferguson: We need more Jims

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson


Background of news –
The Emperor of Japan

By F. M. Brewer


Pullman plans to sell stock of subsidiary

Would dispose of sleeping car unit


Emerson radio starts big promotion drive


Army to speed settlement of contracts

Hopes to finish job in 6 months to a year


Monahan: Filipinos paid film tribute

Back to Bataan stars J. Wayne
By Kaspar Monahan


Ike congratulates Gen. MacArthur


Bronze Star Medal given John Roosevelt

SAN DIEGO, California (UP) – Naval Lt. John A. Roosevelt, youngest son of the late President Roosevelt, has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal for outstanding services as logistics officer for a carrier group operating under Task Force 58.

Millett: Gadgets to do their work are dream of housewives

By Ruth Millett


Othman: All aboard!

By Fred Othman


Stokes: 60 million jobs

By Thomas L. Stokes


Stoneman: Proof on Quisling

By W. H. Stoneman


Maj. Williams: The defeat

By Maj. Al Williams


Era of atomic power –
Wide research can give world untold wonders

By David Dietz, Scripps-Howard science editor


Teaching four freedoms –
De-Nazifying success hard to measure

School only amuses some German POWs
By Edward A. Evans, Scripps-Howard staff writer
