America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

V-J telephone calls set all-time high

World to know all –
No censorship at Goering trial

‘Some’ diplomats may be embarrassed

Patrolmen keep lid on San Francisco

President of UAW, wife reconciled

Now it can be told –
Allied mines deny Japs vital supplies

Bombers outwit enemy navy

A mighty record –
B-29s flew 100 million miles in deadly attacks on Japs

169,421 tons of bombs were dropped to seriously hit enemy war production

Benes now hopes for ‘real peace’

But he warns it’s still far away

Small nations fight ‘pickup’ travel plan

Simms: Let Wainwright be present at Jap surrender

Signing at Imperial Palace also urged
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

If surrender is signed there –
Imperial Palace at Tokyo is big enough for show

40 gates, many towers surround grounds within which 5,000 persons once worked
By Frank Aston, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Government ends ban on greeting telegrams

WASHINGTON (UP) – The government today removed the ban on congratulatory and greeting telegrams.

New orders will also permit Western Union, as soon as it desires, to transmit singing telegrams again, and to use messengers for purposes other than delivery of telegrams.

Poll: Sugar pinch felt chiefly by most people

Thick steak second and butter third
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Radar would have averted Empire State Building crash

Its peacetime uses will be many, varied
By Kermit McFarland, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Chinese-Russian accord reported

Moscow to soft-pedal Communist issue

Perkins: Auto industry, labor blames U.S. for lag in conversion to cars

Both agree that number of idle in Detroit will be high, probably 250,000 at peak
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Only 1½ million idle foreseen by NAM

Survey indicates rapid conversion

Nazi sub surrenders 3 months after V-E Day

U.S. stores urged to sell surplus goods

Direct buying by consumer planned
By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer

U.S. speeds clearing plants of war machines

WPB offers to ‘nudge’ any government agency not in hurry to remove tools

Venereal disease rises among G.I.’s

Men in Aleutians dream of home

In Washington –
Congress may clash with Truman on issue of continuing draft

President wants young men to replace veterans but some legislators object

Whom can vet bump? Anyone, courts rule

Selective Service upheld in tests

Reds in China fight to survive

Political fortunes dwindle rapidly

Australia demands role in surrender