America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

In ‘defeat’ cabinet –
Prince named new premier by Hirohito

Desire to satisfy Allies indicated

Army on guard against treachery –
Yanks may have to shoot way into Japan after all

Major problems face Gen. MacArthur in landing, supplying occupation force

Russians peeved?
Reds belittle role of atomic bomb

Say no one weapon can win a war

Armed Forces to discharge eight million

Plans spread out over 18 months

Truman proclaims Sunday as day of thanksgiving

President asks all ‘to dedicate day of prayer’ to those who gave their lives

Sugar, butter, fats to be last off ration list

Cheese, canned fish to go free next

Industry freed of war shackles

Full employment in year aim of WPB

1,300 Jap planes hit in final 72 hours

Medal of Honor for county man

Truman to make presentation Tuesday

Another high Jap takes own life

Born to be!

By Florence Fisher Parry

GE conversion to leave few idle for long

Refrigerators, ranges now; radios by fall
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Early reemployment of war workers likely, national survey shows

Reconversion to be fast in most cities; expansion planned by many firms

Cutback affects 31,000 planes

Perkins: Ford leading race to meet auto demands

Contracts canceled, open field ahead
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Truman to attend Legion meeting

Truman to give youth drill view

WLB to fold, Labor Department to take over

Schwellenbach to get authority on disputes

Surrender note delayed by Washington cop

Let’s all go fishin’ – learn how wonderful is peace

Find stream, bait up then wait called best cure for reconversion
By Andy Anderson, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Elliott Roosevelt back in civilian life