America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Censorship office to close soon

End of War Time due next month

Othman: Peace breaks out!

By Fred Othman

Stokes: This is victory!

By Thomas L. Stokes

Henry: $5 fur coats

By Thomas R. Henry

Maj. Williams: Bombed to defeat

By Maj. Al Williams

Era of atomic power –
Peace, or civilization’s end is prospect for the future

By David Dietz, Scripps-Howard science editor

Teaching four freedoms –
Germans now govern selves in POW school

Principles of democracy put into practice
By Edward A. Evans, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – Dear me, it looks as though the throne room isn’t the only place where kings get into trouble. I see where King Gustav of Sweden just fell down in his bathtub. It must have made an awful big splash, because he’s way over six feet tall – a real king-sized king. Not a bit like that tiny Victor Emmanuel of Italy. When that one gave the Fascist salute, he looked like a little boy asking for permission to leave the room.

I hope that business of a slippery bathtub doesn’t give enemy agents ideas for a new system of accidental assassination. The old-fashioned way of throwing a bomb at royalty looks pretty suspicious in the eyes of police. But they wouldn’t get suspicious if you just stood outside the palace door with a banana peel in your hand.

Gen. Eisenhower impressed Reds

Just temporary, Japs told

Jap people told savings are safe

Airpower hailed as winner of war

Glamor, a war casualty, filmmakers report

For instance, whipped cream in movie scenes is mashed spuds

Everybody wants to help Lauren to be housewife

Millett: ‘Foreign’ wives also have a bone to pick with us

By Ruth Millett

Pretty good 4F –
Kurowski’s bat wins for Cards over Bums, 2-1

By the United Press

Boos instead of bazookas –
Happy days! G.I. Joe soon will again be Gus H. Fan

Crowds file into churches to give thanks

Special services held at many

Reconversion idle to reach 15 million

Civilian production will hit peak in 1946
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Ex-Flying Tigers open new firm

Air freight service ‘anywhere’ offered

Draftees’ term still unsettled

Six million Japs must give up arms

G.I.’s in China angry at movie ‘snub’