America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Petain: ‘Being made scapegoat’

Case expected to go to jury tomorrow

Airlines face cut on mail rates

Monahan: Mauldin’s doughboys ‘going Hollywood’

Up Front to be filmed – other items of the screen and stage
By Kaspar Monahan

Piano ‘talks’ for Irving Berlin

Words and music pep up interview
By Maxine Garrison

Hollywood goes to war with the Memphis censors

Circulates petition to fight group which banned Southerner
By Erskine Johnson

Only U.S. knows details of atom bomb manufacture

Canada’s role in production was to supply raw materials, munitions chief says

Bedford Japs mum on peace bid

Federal jobs face deep cut to peace level

Some bureaus to stay for post-war work
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Increased jobless pay first on Congress’ list

‘Human element’ of reconversion to get top bill from legislators, Barkley says

Senators to seek early end of draft

Voluntary recruiting program suggested

Legless, armless vet gets $60,000

Editorial: MacArthur is the man

Editorial: Russians and the Japs

Editorial: Committees – get busy!

Editorial: Atom foolishness

Edson: Taft’s liberal housing report goes all out

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: A hero is home

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
The people of Teschen

By Frank Aston

Jap suicide planes sink destroyer

Millett: Unsound reasoning cause of wartime infidelity

False reports from over there upset women awaiting husbands
By Ruth Millett

Othman: Confusion unlimited

By Fred Othman

Stokes: Caught short

By Thomas L. Stokes

Henry: Hitler spy gossips

By Thomas R. Henry