America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

800 fleet planes rip Tokyo area

Airfields, sub base rocketed, strafed; landings predicted

Pending peace –
MacArthur’s men continue to fight

Air, ground forces push assaults

35,000 to lose jobs here after V-J Day

Area faces no major conversion problem

U.S. to end more war contracts

Wholesale action due on V-J Day

UP offers $5,000 reward for clue to peace fake

Case reported to two federal agencies; false flash sets off celebrations

Pope Pius plans ‘peace’ broadcast

PARIS, France (UP) – Radio Paris today quoted a Vatican City dispatch as saying that Pope Pius XII “will shortly express the feelings with which the Church welcomes the cessation of hostilities” in a broadcast message.

The broadcast added: “The end of the war in the Far East will dissipate the anguish felt in the Vatican at the launching of the atomic bomb.”

Yankees after all

By Florence Fisher Parry

Perkins: AFL blasts lack of plans for conversion

Cutbacks to hit Detroit, Chicago hard
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Bank surplus, $40,000, sought by extortionists

Roosevelt-Stalin deal reported

Col. Roosevelt to leave Marines

Tokyo says –
Soviet troops make landing on Sakhalin

Invasion reported near Jap homeland

Chiang moves to ‘deflate’ Communists

‘Civil war in China’ fears dissipated

Hopes raised for ‘living dead’ –
Yanks held in Jap jails look forward to liberation

Plans already completed for return of internees under surrender terms

Full relief asked for Italy, Austria

Abdication of Emperor being hinted

Hirohito may give throne to son

Sun begins to rise on son of son of the Rising Sun

Little Akihito may ride the white horse
By Frank Aston, Scripps-Howard staff writer

‘Rats’ to crack, Halsey asserts

Admiral expects ‘one more job’
By Richard W. Johnston, United Press staff writer

Simms: World security depends on free press everywhere

All nations must know what others are doing or live in constant fear of destruction
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Ike says Reds want U.S. friendship

General is hailed on Moscow visit