America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Americans play it safe –
U.S. waits official word; rest of world celebrates

But the delay isn’t so bad after having sweated out Pearl Harbor, Bataan, D-Days
By Joseph L. Myler, United Press staff writer

Crash of trains takes 34 lives

50 others hurt, 15 seriously

Travel crisis will continue

147 vessels destroyed by Allied planes

Japs report Borneo counterattack

Oust Hirohito, LaGuardia urges

U.S. Army in Europe to follow schedule

Jap people kept in dark on surrender

Propagandists try to cushion shock

Simms: Jap Emperor was reared a mamma’s boy

Way to use Nip ‘god’ for peace described
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Tokyo ‘disturbances’ reported by radio

CHUNGKING, China (UP) – A Tokyo broadcast heard here last night said “disturbances” occurred in the Jap capital when the first broadcast of the surrender proposal was made.

No such broadcast was reported by any other source.

The broadcast said the “disturbances” were suppressed. It gave no further details.

The report purported to explain an interruption in the original broadcast of the surrender proposal.

Editorial: Hitler and the atom bomb

Editorial: How well will it work?

Edson: Mr. Snyder, new on his job, gets the needle

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Debt to doctors

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Government of China

By Frank P. Huddle

15,000 happy Yanks arrive in New York on liner Elizabeth

Eighth Air Force comprise majority; five other transports also dock

Vatican fears Nazi revival

Editorial: Man cannot set own standards for moral conduct

Europe after the war –
Planes speed Yank soldiers back to U.S.

‘One man a minute’ leaving Casablanca
By Henry Ward

G.I.’s dream gal an angel

She can cook, she’s beautiful!
By Patricia Clary

Go kill yourself, Yamashita urged

Jap general asked to spare his men
By Ralph Teatsorth, United Press staff writer

Millett: Adjustments of home life are post-war problems

Employed wives of servicemen have plenty to think about
By Ruth Millett

Casual Cubs face menace with surge of Cardinals

By the United Press