America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Lehman pleads for more relief

Japs gaining in drive south of Hangchow

Seek to clear escape path to port

Planes push out Japs on Borneo

Aussie troops pound retreating enemy

Navy pins posy on Tokyo Rosie

She’s inspiring Yanks along victory road

Nazis increased output to the end

Captured document gives production data

Allied control plan set up for Austria

Frau Goering lives in hope that Hermann will return

Wife of No. 2 Nazi leader considered just another Hausfrau by Yanks
By Curt Riess

Maj. Bong’s body returned home

Editorial: Peace or world suicide

Editorial: Will Japan quit now?

Editorial: Poland, beware!

Editorial: Maj. Richard Bong

Edson: Brief hearing on full-job bill just the ‘kickoff’

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Home again

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Universal military training

By Bertram Benedict

At Petain trial –
Vichy spied on Germans, witness says

General claims he gave data to British

AT&T maps 11 projects for post-war

To spend $2 billion on construction

Monahan: Atomic fever hits studios

By Kaspar Monahan

Walt begs for his 9th life!

He’s weary of dying in films
By Patricia Clary

CIO official nominated in Detroit race

Will oppose Mayor Jeffries

Two awarded Medals of Honor

WASHINGTON (UP) – Two American soldiers – one of German descent, the other a native of Mexico – won the Medal of Honor for single-handedly saying their respective companies from annihilation in Germany. They are Sgt. Robert E. Gerstung, 30, of Chicago, and Sgt. Marcario Garcia, 25, of Sugarland, Texas.

Johnson funeral set for Monday