America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

The Pittsburgh Press (August 8, 1945)

Russians declare war on Japanese

Truman announces Soviet action against Pacific foe

Molotov announces action to speed end of war

Atom bomb toll stuns Tokyo

Enemy admits all life in Hiroshima target region snuffed out

Truman to give Big Three report tomorrow

President to speak on radio at 10 p.m.

Russia kept in the dark on new bomb

Even the British may not know all
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

B-29s attack Japan four times in day

Fliers pound another ‘death list’ city

U.S. newspapers keep faith on war’s greatest secret

News of research on atomic energy withheld – without any compulsion
By Jack Lockhart, former chief of the Press Division, Office of Censorship

Army discharges total 190,000

Exceed draft calls by only 40,000

More 18 to 30 face draft call

Truman signs security charter

Atomic news boosts Vanadium Corp. stock

NEW YORK (Special) – Common stock of the Vanadium Corp. of America leaped $4 a share to a new high on the Stock Exchange today. It jumped $3 a share yesterday.

Vanadium Corp. produces uranium – prime source of atomic energy.

Mr. Brown makes a decision

By Florence Fisher Parry

Simms: War-making Jap clique now on run

They must go before peace is possible
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Fantastic Oak Ridge builds more atomic bomb plants

Production of greatest destructive weapon ‘smack on schedule,’ says Army colonel

$302 a minute spent on one bomb plant

Washington project cost $350 million

Sloan finances cancer research

$4 million given foundation

Great powers in tiny space feature atom

‘Why’ of explosion is explosion

U.S. senators agree –
‘Bomb stresses need for peace’

‘Live together or die together,’ Hatch says

Power of atom comes from speed

And it’s by speed that power is freed

In the age of atomic energy –
Handful of snow to heat apartment house for year

Georgia adopts new constitution

Eyewitness stories –
Atomic blast hits B-29 like flak

Huge black cloud rises over target

Atom raid violated law, Japs charge

Article 22 of Hague Convention cited