America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

Gen. Joseph Patch plans to retire to Virginia farm

St. Louis publishers to accept arbitration in dispute over pay

Hurricane damage in Texas expected to reach $15 million

Judy Garland expecting baby’s arrival in spring

HOLLYWOOD, California (AP) – Judy Garland, 21-year-old movie actress and singer, has disclosed that she expects a baby next spring.

She and film director Vincente Minnelli, 32, married last June, have just returned from a honeymoon.

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Tracy’s tires just like yours, so he comes East by train

By Jay Carmody

The Pittsburgh Press (August 29, 1945)

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, goodness knows I don’t know much about this reconversion thing. But I’m having fun watching the people who run the gas stations frantically trying to retool their etiquette to peacetime use. All of a sudden the customer is so right it makes you dizzy. I’ve had my windshield wiped until the glass got thin, and water poured in my radiator until the car almost floated down the street.

It’s not much like the old days when the attendants let you sit there for hours while they studied the racing form. Some of us find the change a little hard to get used to. For instance, George went into a station yesterday for a quart of oil and the owner said, “Please, Mr. Burns, get up off your knees.”

Yes, you can well tremble, Mr. Butcher. Your turn is coming next.

The Syonan Shimbun (August 30, 1945)

Asahi: ‘National construction through international co-operation’

Fighting ceases on all fronts of war of Greater East Asia

Envoys to be sent to task forces off Penang, Sabang

Newsmen to accompany occupation troops

Australians surprised over Lend-Lease end

Salzburger Nachrichten (August 30, 1945)

MacArthur landet auf der South Dakota

Amerikaner lehnen japanische Einladung zu einer ‚garden party‘ ab

Deutsche Reparationen bis 1948

Erfassung aller Transportmittel in Europa

L’Aube (August 30, 1945)

MacArthur est au Japon

Bravant 20.000 japonais –
Six officiers français atterrissent à Hanoi

Vingt-cinq noms
Parmi les plus grands de l’Allemagne nazie

figurant en tête des criminels de guerre

De Gaulle sur le chemin du retour

Avant son départ, le Canada l’a accueilli au nom d’une solide amitié

M. Truman couvre l‘État-major dans l’affaire de Pearl Harbour

L’empereur d’Annam serait prêt à abdiquer

NEW-YORK, 29 août – Une dépêche d’Hanoi a l’agence Domei annonce que le conseil privé de gouvernement d’Annam a envoyé un télégramme à la section tonkinoise de la Ligue d’indépendance annamite, disant que l’empereur Bao-Daï avait offert d’abdiquer, si tel était le désir de son peuple. La Ligue d’indépendance annamite est un parti révolutionnaire qui exerce son activité en Indochine.