9/11 20th anniversary poll

Considering the 20th anniversary of that fateful day 9/11/01 next month, I’m planning to livestream the news coverage of the attacks on Kosmi for the purposes of reliving historical events, similar to my America at war! thread in this forum.

Which news network shall I go with for the inevitable 20th anniversary stream on Kosmi?

My close friends are also going to be voting here (some of them remember that fateful day):


If we choose CNN it will surely be Trump’s fault and all the victims died of COVID.


Planning a real-time stream starting around 8;30 or so est?

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What a shame that it would come to that today. :frowning:

Though CNN was just as crap even in 2001.

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Real-time, I’m starting with the pre-attack coverage.

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I remember when they were good back when they had the voice of Darth Vader! Their gulf war coverage was great.m err gulf war 1

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Even then, you still had horrid news anchors that plagues CNN to this day (Blitzer, anyone?)

Awesome. I’m there with 20 characters

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Anchors yes awful but I like Blitzer in Baghdad

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In '91, I was more of the ABC guy (though even ABC had questionable coverage, even then). I’m still mad at that Hiroshima documentary 26 years later.

Though I do have to say Jennings was the better of the Big Three (the other two being Rather and Brokaw).

Yeah that was a disgrace. Dan Rather disgraced CBS eventually. Good anchors are hard to come by

Remember MacNeil/Lehrer on PBS?

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Briefly, I haven’t watched them as much as Peter Jennings in ABC.

There is a video on YouTube with the news coverage from various news stations, CNN, Fox, and I forget the other ones. I’ve seen it twice and I recommend against Fox as it is very aggresively overdramatic. I don’t know if the video is still up on YouTube, but I have it saved on my HD if you need it.

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You can vote in that straw poll I linked earlier. :slight_smile: There’s an entire YouTube channel of that news coverage:

…and an entire website (which even has Iraqi state TV):


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CNN stands for Cable News Network? Learn something new every day. Anyways I’m not educated enough on American media to make a proper choice. All I remember is Fox is overdramatic, and I also don’t think a Canadian or British broadcast will have the same efffect.

Did MSNBC have 24/7 coverage? They seem to be the most reasonable of American news channels.

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Yes, since 1980.

You’d be surprised, the CBC had some pretty decent coverage of 9/11. That was one of the networks I remember seeing on that fateful day, the other being ABC.

No, they’re just as overdramatic as Fox. And also, they had NBC’s feed that day.

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I would prefer the BBC, or maybe a mix of the sources as a lot of them seem to be politically biased and just pandering to 1 side (and depending on what people support anyway they believe it). Not sure how it was on 9/11. I was in a car driving to Castle Maurick for a great company night out. What should have been a great very luxurious company outing became a disaster.
And actually when I heard about on the car radio I immediately thought about the B-25 which struck the Empire State building.

Well I was here before me and everyone raced home.

Castle Maurick: the most diverse castle in Brabant, The Netherlands (kasteel-maurick.nl)

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Most, if not all the networks, were pretty decent in their coverage of 9/11 (even leaving the biases out for the most part). I would personally say the ABC and CBC had the best coverage, though Fox covered the Pentagon attack quite extensively too.

I saw ABC and CBC on that fateful day.

On FOX Denmark are communists and still a part of the Warsaw pact. So I think we should be careful with starting a discussion on US internal policies in this Forum.

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