World War 2 Video Games

Gunning for the Master’s.


Hi Nicholas,

Way to go, it is a long haul but rewarding :-).

I actually am an ambassador of the Uni. I can invite you to join as a fellow ambassador. Downside it eats up a little time (but you can do as much or as little as you have time for), Upside, there are a lot of potential Patreons there and you have access more University resources and more exposure. I only found out they existed at the graduation in DC. I have an MA in European History with a heavy focus on the military side.

Best Regards,

The University Ambassador Program | American Military University (


Hang on… does this apply to only americans or can anyone join?


Anyone can join if you meet the prerequisites, I already had and MBA at an American University and don’t hold a US Passport. Otherwise you have to apply with your non-American degree. There are also remedial courses options, even free like the Khan Academy to get up to speed.