The Pittsburgh Press (October 20, 1945)
Women of the Bible –
Hagar, the Slave Girl
By the Religious News Service
Hagar was an Egyptian slave girl in the dwelling of Sarah, the childless wife of Abraham. Evidently the young slave found favor in the eyes of her mistress, otherwise it is doubtful that Sarah would have conceived the idea of offering her to Abraham as his concubine, in the hope that such a union would bring the long-looked for child into their dwelling.
Later, Sarah probably became jealous of the dark-skinned beauty who began to taunt her mistress when she found herself with child. For she complained to Abraham who told her to deal harshly with the girl.
As a result, Hagar fled into what was called The Wilderness. An angel appeared to her there and told her to return to the home of her mistress, for she was ordained to become the mother of a countless people. So Hagar retraced her steps and to her was born Abraham’s son, who was named Ishmael, “The Outcast.”
When Sarah was ninety years old, she gave birth to the child she had been praying for. He was named Isaac. Ishmael was approaching manhood when it came time to wean little Isaac. Sarah and Abraham were overjoyed, but Ishmael mocked the occasion. For the second time, Sarah complained to Abraham and again, Hagar and her child fled to The Wilderness.
Their food and drink exhausted, they were prepared to die, when the angelic voice was heard again. it directed them to a well of water where they were revived. The desert became their home and the descendants of Ishmael still claim it as their birthright.