Why the Nazis Weren’t Socialists - ‘The Good Hitler Years’ | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1937 Part 2 of 2

He did stick to his guts though, as his response video showed. So I still respect him for that. Certainly better than a certain YouTuber who promotes the so-called “dog-whistling” theory while simultaneously being a spineless coward (Starts with a K).


You can disagree with what TIK said regarding Nazism (I certainly do), but think before you unnecessarily antagonize him and (especially) his fanbase.

This was my response to Schmidty’s comment in this video (he later clarified that he wasn’t name-calling):

Just because TIK said otherwise doesn’t mean you have to demean him for that. Agree to disagree, pally. I disagree with his video, but I don’t go out name-calling and unnecessarily antagonizing him (especially his fans). That helps no one, especially if it’s a disagreement regarding a controversial issue. I disagree with what TIK said, but it’s his view. I thought TimeGhost’s commenters knew better about the ways of engaging in views they disagree with. I’m a fan of both, but if you had to resort to this level of immature rejection, I don’t know how I could contribute to the history community anymore.


the “nazi were socialist” thing is already being debunked and he got a bad definition of socialism that basicly mean that every government is socialist


Where did I say that I agreed with him? Once again, I disagree with his views. Even John Cate disagrees.


I think saying that nazi were socialist is bad history that should be debunk and I don’t know why TIK is still believing it


Me neither. However, as I have stated in the comments, all I asked was for the commenters to not be assholes to him and his fanbase, no matter how strongly you disagree with them. That’s all I had to say regarding TIK.


the problem is that it’s imposibble to change his point of view and the one of his fanbase,even if you show to them what hitler said https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/cwh8pi/were_nazis_socialists/eyblwvo/


Where’s TIK’s defender in this Reddit link? When I saw that link, I assumed you were referring to a negative comment by the defender.

I already knew that he stuck to his views because of his response video and his now-released nearly-5-hour video. I wasn’t asking for them to change their views. That’s why I stated you can “agree to disagree.”

Just don’t be dicks, and yes, that’s also a message to TIK’s audience as well.


there’s no TIK defender,just a good debunking of the “nazi were socialist”


yes on r/shitwehraboosay particulary (who is not a cancer sub by the way)


Feels like it all comes down to what you define as socialism and capitalism, and a lot of people are much to buoyed to more modern politics to really define the differences as they existed then. Also, everyone and their dog has a different definition for the aforementioned political ideologies.

That being said, more often that not the people I have encountered who claim that the NSDAP were actually socialists have almost never been doing so purely for the purpose of historical analysis, and unlike TIK, they very much use it as an attack on the suggestion of somewhat socialist policies or politicians.


Actually you should demean him for pushing the fact the nazis were socialists. Its an inherently disgusting view and points to his actual beliefs of how he treats people.

Any cock eyed racist that tries to muddy the waters between democratic people trying to achieve dignity and respect in this world deserves all the criticism and disrespect possible.


As noted by Alex, it’s complicated.


Not really its only become complicated by people who wish to complicate it due to a political agenda


Or political controversy. I may not agree with him, but his experiences in college certainly have some similarities with mine back in the '90s. I’ve had neo-Stalinists and Marxists justifying North Vietnamese war crimes when I was bringing attention to them. My professor loved my paper though.


As someone whos father was in vietnam if you wanna talk about the NVA and warcrimes without talking about Westmoreland you are already showing your hand.

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I did talk about him. You can condemn North Vietnam while at the same time, not ignoring U.S. and South Vietnamese crimes. Hell, there’s a reason why LBJ is among my least favorite Presidents. To call the war itself a crime though is disingenuous and too simplistic, to say the least.

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Wish you had this must of an objective opinion when it comes to Hitlers bullshit vampire economy :slight_smile:

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I don’t. I’m only knowledgeable on American economics (especially during and after the Coolidge years).

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I’m right there with you all I know is extreme conservatism and pro nazism as a function of expanding wealth and the white race. Which is why I see a lot of this shit as calculated, because I grew up around these people.