Why All Germans Were Nazis - How Hitler Created the Third Reich | BETWEEN 2 WARS | 1934 Part 1 of 4

Originally published at: http://timeghost.tv/why-all-germans-were-nazis-how-hitler-created-the-third-reich-between-2-wars-1934-part-1-of-4/

After Hitler seized power in Germany in January 1933, he rapidly transformed the Democratic Weimar Republic into a repressive, totalitarian and racist state. In 1934, Germany became Nazi Germany. Join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TimeGhostHistory Subscribe to our World War Two series: https://www.youtube.com/c/worldwartwo?sub_confirmation=1 Like TimeGhost on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimeGhost-1667151356690693/ Hosted by: Indy Neidell Written by: Spartacus Olsson…


@Joram this episode is hard for me to watch without getting emotional. Really good work.


That was a great episode.

Some tidbits from “the inside”:
Technically the Weimar constitution stayed in place. So “technically” Hitler always was chancellor and later president of the weimar Republic. But one trick of Germans who want to evade Vergangenheitsbewältigung is to separate “Germany” and “the Nazi-state”.

Often people say: Oh, fascism and communism are the same. The 6 points presented in the video are great because they show the big and decisive difference:
1. Win the capitalists support.
Fascism drives on the support of what in communism is called “the old elites”. So Fascism doesn’t touch your property as long as you’re in the “In-group”. It doesn’t topple the power structure any more than on the political sphere. While communism rips it out and replaces it with whatever the usually authoritan leader/party considers a communist society.
Spain fascism also is a textbook example of this. The three pillars of the state were the military, the capital and the catholic church. So basically nothing changed except for terror campaigns in the name of the three against anyone unwilling to submit. Which is a huge change for the individual, but a small and favourable change for anyone in power anyways.

About Röhms homosexuality:
That kind of male homosexuality puts emphasis on the bond only possible between men, the forfeiting of everything “female” which only weakens the “strong, male character and body”. Those homosexuals despise “faggots”, who are behaving girlishly and are weak and a disease not only to other men and moreso “manly men” (themselves), but to society as a whole. Yes, they are homosexual hating homosexuals. And of course they hate women who have no purpose of any kind, sometimes completely disregarding that the existence of men kinda needs a woman. You know, through birth.
Heterosexual men are also looked down upon since they indulge with womenly things and thus cease to exists to be “real men”. But they’re usually tolerated, because otherwise you run out of people to talk to very soon.
Homosexual women who act distinctly “male” are pitied, for they have the right mind, but the wrong body. And nowadays women who turn themselves into men are respected, but pitied for they will never have the “real” male experience.
How does my smartass self know that? One of those kind of men works right next to me in the office. And this kind of gay men is not shy about ANYTHING.

Back to Röhm: TG explains really nicely and extensive how Röhms SA contradicts Hitlers idea of how the Nazis should behave. That is very much glossed over in German schools, since there is no time for the internal party struggles in a normal school plan. Only the “night of the long knives” (June 30th 1934) is metioned. Strasser is rarely mentioned at all as well. Love that segment. Also nicely shown how it services goal #1.

About the exclusion of Jews right after the Machtergreifung:
Three infamous examples are the football clubs of Nürnberg, both top clubs from München and Schalke. Schalke removed jews from all club offices (banning all jews in 1935), the Bavarian clubs kicked all jews out even before the enabling law. The Bavarian clubs had as background that München was the “birth place of the movement” and Nürnberg its “capital”. The stadium of Nürnberg still is right next to the former Reichsparteitagsgelände. (If you ever come across the picture of the “Nazi Burger Joint”, it is inside “Building 13”, the former power station of the site)
In the case of Bayern MĂĽnchen a club acted that way which was actually prominently co-founded by a jew! Just some guy from Dortmund (of all places!), named Benno Elkan, who would later proceed to build the Menorah of the Knesset.
The football clubs were so premature the Reichssportleiter Von Tschammer und Osten rebuked those decisions, for the Nazis had just decided to stage the Olympic Games of 1936 in their advantage. As shown in the respective TG episode.

The boycott of the jews is one of the prominent things featured in German schools.

On the law “for the protection of the professional civil service” (Gesetz zum Schutz des Berufsbeamtentums): Jews initially had the “advantage” over say- communist colleagues to be allowed or tolerated to use their profession with other jews. So basically a roll back of Prussian and other German naturalisation laws into medieval times. Bad already, but not bad enough to make jews flee in droves.
The exceptions pushed in by Hindeburg, again for Jews only, were if they had served as combat(!) veterans in WW1. Later they had to show an Iron cross 1st class for it until finally they were completely removed.

1st of May: Okay I was told and AM told by the labour unions the 1st of May IS “Tag der Arbeit” in Germany. And my Calender also says so. The Nazis actually named it “Tag der NATIONALEN Arbeit”. The Allies allowed its continued existence in all four zones. In most states the law regarding it just says “der 1. Mai” as a state holiday. Saxony and Brandenburg explicitly call it “Tag der Arbeit”.
NRW curiously wants to be special and names it the “Tag des Bekenntnisses zu Freiheit und Frieden, sozialer Gerechtigkeit, Völkerversöhnung und Menschenwürde” (Tag of the commitment to peace and freedom, social justice, conciliation of the people (of the world) and human dignity). But I only know it, because I looked up the laws while writing this.

I live in the “red” Ruhrgebiet, so naturally we learn about the unionbusting of the Nazis. Pinkerton was Kindergarten compared to that.

About the picture at 13:13:
The number plate shows the car is registered somewhere in Berlin-Brandenburg, because that was Gau III, which is the first number on the plate. Each Gau had a Roman numeral, i.e. Bavaria XVI, Westfalia IX. Also the ship in the background is the class type ship of the 1904 Bismarck class … ferries.
The guy leaning on the car looks eerily similar to my granddad… who was only born in 1937, he freely admitted to have been a Nazi until he was ~9, because it was all there was and Hitler Youth WAS fun. And how could a 6-8 year old tell what they actually trained you for. He felt used his whole life after the war and hated anything Nazi for it.

Seizing media control: There were initial attempts of local journalists resisting the Nazi propaganda laws, but they either bowed soon or were shut up by force. A relatively popular way of resisting was to scetch Hilter “unfavourably”. Depending on the local censor, those artists were shut down in 1933 already or could somehow talk their way out of it until 1935. I know no story of one being active past 1935.
And “taking control of UfA” in 1933… for comparison that would’ve meant not taking control of ONE Hollywood Studio in the USA, but ALL of them. Weimar UfA was a huge deal in the world of film and about as powerful as Hollywood on all levels. People like Marlene Dietrich or Firtz Lang being licked up by Hollywood was no coincidence. It was a huge gifted horse.

The Volksempfänger: Just to give you an idea of its impact.
1932: 4 million private radio receivers
1939: 12 million private radio receivers
in the whole Reich. Each reaching several people. The Reich had ~75million inhabitants in May 1939.
BTW Germans were kind of aware of their news situation and dubbed the Volksempfänger “Goebbelsschnauze” (Goebbels snout). And everyone knew to tune in to BBC for “different” news and almost no one took up the effort, for the difficulties Indy lists in the video. At least the sports results were correct.

And yes, Germany is behind the (co-)founding or establishment of gender studies and black and social studies, heck humanism itself, but that’s a story for another day. We’re currently in the mainstream plotline of “evil” Germany. Please return to the program.

A genetical disease falling under or at least often subsumised by Nazi doctors under the eugenic law Indy mentions is “being black”. So blacks were sterilized as well. Most often in the Rhineland, where the small black population (in the whole Reich ~2000 at best) was hit the hardest as they were seen as the manifestation of treason by German women with French colonial troops after WW1.