WHO orchestrate / choreography all the German N.S.D.A.P. rallies, memorial ceremonies, military reviews

A small technical logistical question which has bothered me for years. So far, I’m unable to find a factual answer with reference.
WHO orchestrate / choreography all the German N.S.D.A.P. rallies, memorial ceremonies, military reviews and Fuhrer speeches?
WHO said: Well Adolf, walk to this spot and stop, count to 10 and move to the left and sit in the third front seat. Alright look here, You three walk slowly for a quarter mile and stand, count to 100 and walk slowly walk back to the podium. All you guys with flags, come forward, up the steps and pair-off left & right, fill the back row first.
I heard it was Goebbels, but that just doesn’t seem correct to me.
Did Hitler practice like the Army would do? If there were snafu during the real events, it doesn’t show. Thank You