Just curious how many Australians are here?
I live in Australia up in North Queensland but am technically what is known as a “whinging bloody Pom”. Whereabouts are you?
No idea, but here’s a nice piece of local history for you.
Yeah, Another bloody Australian here.
I’m In Brisbane quietly stalking Indy from the antipodes since July 2014, then jumped on board this new ship the moment I heard about it via the comments on The Great War. It’s most interesting to see these projects develop from the very early days of only dozens of subscribers,
Shame they never managed to find the shell.
They would be looking for two at least. Remember the fort fired the first Australian shot in both wars.
Glad to know that I’m not the only one, I’m from NSW’s south coast
Sorry to take so long to find this thread. Much going on in life here in Melbourne. Hello to all.
Inland VIC, just south of Bendigo.
Am considering spending some time in the AWM archives. Will touch base with our gracious hosts, beforehand but, so I can attempt to find relevant stuff.