What were the codes and ciphers of the Red Army

I hear a lot about the enigma and how important it was that it was broken by the British. However I know little to nothing about Soviet codes or Germany’s attempts to break them.


I have a similar question to this:

There is a lot of information on how the UK cracked the German codes/ciphers and US cracking the Japanese codes. How successfully had Germany cracked the Soviet Union codes (and vis-versa). Was the Soviet Union dependent on the UK cracking the german codes? If so, how much help was the UK able to give them without Germany finding out and did the Soviets actually start listening to this information been given to them after Barbarossa started.


I recommended this in a previous thread, doing so again - Third Reich is Listening, a book by Christian Jennings.


Third Reich is Listening is a very good book detailing all of the efforts done by German cipher breakers, especially in the beginning of the war.