What motivated Romanian and Bulgarian soldiers to keep fighting after switching sides

How could the majority of men been able to keep on fighting after their countries had faced extreme war exhaustion and had been trying to get out of the war for weeks or months? They had already been treated quite poorly by the Germans, and now they were supposed to fight alongside the Soviets, who had just been their enemies. Not to mention the extremely harsh terms that the Soviets had imposed on their countries. How were Romania and Bulgaria seemingly able to maintain military discipline in such dire circumstances?


For Bulgaria, they weren’t really a co-belligerent to the Nazis in the same way as other Axis states were. Tsar Boris had held off the holocaust in Bulgaria and forbade Bulgarian troops from serving on the eastern front with the Germans. Boris also might have been assassinated by Hitler as his death was under mysterious circumstances. So Bulgarians had little loyalty to the Axis compared to other Axis co-belligerents.
As far as Romania goes, it’s an unspoken rule that Romani has to switch sides and everyone is ok with that logic.

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