What is the story of the British Free Corps?

What is the story of the British Free Corps? I have found three sources - a Mark Felton video, the Corps’ Wikipedia article, and the book “The Story of the SS” by Al Cimino, none of which entirely agree with each other, along with other sources that are less detailed. Some say they were a small unit that never saw action, others say they served in at least one action on the Eastern Front as part of the SS Nordland division. Some say they were entirely infiltrated by British intelligence agents, and others that they were staffed entirely by committed Nazis/fascists. The thing most sources agree on is that some of their members served in the defence of Berlin, and that one of them was a circus strongman who fought his way out of Berlin through the sewers with his bare hands, accompanied by his better half. It all sounds larger than life.

I would love to know if you are able to make sense of all of this conflicting info, and if you’d feel able to make a narrative of your own out of all of the available sources.


Hi JD, great question and welcome to the forum. Let me/us know should there be any queries,

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