What did nations in the British sphere of influence, but not entirely colonized- like Bhutan and Oman, do during WW2? OOTFH

Hello everyone part of the time ghost army! It is common knowledge of the role of the many British commonwealth and British colonial nations during the 2nd world war, but what about some of the nations that were considered protectorates? Gurkhas are famously from Nepal, but did nations like Bhutan and Oman have anything to contribute?

Basically while some British colonies did not provide military force due to either not having one or too small to send however every colony provided raw materials, food, textiles, paint and any other materials need for the war effort and while they might not of been large contributions the supplies were none the less needed.

If the colony wasn’t under imperial Japanese rule that colony helped in the war effort somehow.


They also provided bases for the British (RAF Sharjah comes to mind when talking about British protectorates).