The Pittsburgh Press (February 9, 1946)
Wallace threatens bolt from party
Warns Democrats remain progressive
NEW HAVEN, Connecticut (UP) – Secretary of Commerce Henry A. Wallace, who endorsed Johannes Steel, American Labor Party candidate for congressman from New York’s 19th District, said last night he would remain a Democrat only “as long as the Democratic Party remains the people’s party.”
Mr. Wallace addressed a meeting of the National Citizens Political Action Committee. He said, “I am here tonight still fighting for the things Franklin Roosevelt fought for, and supporting President Truman in his fight for the progressive legislation that will continue to make the Democratic Party the party of progress in this country.
“When the Democratic Party ceases to be the people’s party, it will die – and it will be well dead.”
Urges vote turnout
Mr. Wallace called on liberal and independent voters to turn out in strength at the coming congressional elections to support progressive candidates.
The forces of reaction must be defeated through “full use of the ballot box,” he said, or “we shall certainly be faced with ultimate revolution and the destruction of our free institutions.
“Political action against reaction is the challenge of our time,” he said.
Endorses congressmen
Mr. Wallace endorsed the Connecticut Democratic congressional delegation.
He praised Chester Bowles, Office of Price Administration Administrator, for his fight against price increases.
Price increases can be avoided “only by mobilizing public opinion behind Chester Bowles in his fight to hold the line,” Mr. Wallace said.
He also urged public approval of the $3,750,000,000 loan to Britain now before Congress.