U.S. Restricts Travel For Conscript Group (10-1-40)

Reading Eagle (October 1, 1940)

Washington, Oct. 1 (UP) –
The State Department is holding up passport applications of draft-age men who are unable to give valid reasons for leaving the country, it was learned today.

Conscription officials said they understood that many applications for passports had been presented to the State Department by single, independent young men and that the Department was delaying action on questionable ones until after registration day, October 16.

These officials said that they had asked the State Department not to hold up the passports of men being sent abroad by their employers on bona fide business missions.

Because of its policy of not interfering with normal business, the Selective Service officials were said to have declined to make a blanket recommendation that all passport applications of draft-age travelers be delayed until after registration day.

If questionable passport requests are held up until after October 16, registrants will then have to apply to the local boards before applying for a passport. The passports would not be granted without specific authorization from the local draft boards.