U.S. casualties reach 472,779 (10-26-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 26, 1944)

U.S. casualties reach 472,779

Washington (UP) –
Officially announced U.S. combat casualties in this war reached 472,779 today.

Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson said Army casualties through Oct. 14 totaled 403,074. As of today, Navy casualties, including the Marine Corps and Coast Guard, totaled 69,705.

The casualty figures include:

Army Navy
Dead 78,522 27,831
Wounded 220,529 27,857
Missing 51,009 9,537
Prisoners 53,014 4,480
TOTAL 403,074 69,705

Of the Army wounded, Mr. Stimson said 103,504 had been returned to duty.

He also reported that Army ground forces casualties in Italy to Oct. 16 totaled 91,063. Of these, 16,978 were killed, 62,184 wounded and 11,901 missing.