U.S. casualties mount to 552,018 (12-7-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (December 7, 1944)

U.S. casualties mount to 552,018

Washington (UP) –
U.S. combat casualties for three years of war have reached 552,018, including 121,363 killed, incomplete official tabulations disclosed today on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. The total was 15,068 greater than that announced a week ago.

Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson said Army casualties through Nov. 22 totaled 474,898.

Navy casualty figures released today for the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard totaled 77,120.

The total casualties are divided as follows:

Army Navy
Killed 91,625 29,738
Wounded 268,099 33,469
Missing 58,926 9,427
Prisoners 56,248 4,486
TOTALS 474,898 77,120