Tokyo now rated second largest city (4-20-41)

The Pittsburgh Press (April 20, 1941)


Tokyo, April 19 (UP) –
The population of the Japanese Empire, on the basis of the census of Oct. 1, 1940, is 105,226,101, the newspaper Nichi Nichi said today.

The figures show an increase of 6,292,000 over the 1935 census, but the rate of increase has declined from 8.2% to 6.5% because of the Chinese-Japanese conflict, the newspaper said.

The government must take adequate measures to assure larger families by encouraging earlier marriages and greater protection for mothers, Nichi Nichi believed.

Tokyo’s population is now 6,778,804, “making it the second largest city in the world.”

Population figures:

Japan proper 73,114,308
Korea 24,326,327
Taiwan 5,872,084
Karafuto 414,891
Kwantung Leased Territory 1,367,334
South Seas Mandate 131,157

Tokyo’s population in the last census, 1935, was 5,857,667.

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